Sunday, April 22, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Paducah, Branson and More

Still hanging out with my Australian quilter friends. After most of the week in Paducah, our tour went on to Branson, MO Sunday. We had to drive through several hours of rain to do it. Tomorrow, we'll hit Fantastic Caverns, a quilt shop...then see the Presley Family Show at night. 

More soon. I'm still running pretty low on sleep and energy. 

Mrs. Barbara Bush, dead at 92. A gracious, intelligent lady.

"Ain't nobody got time for this. For real."  The 911 emergency operator who disconnected THOUSANDS of phone calls...and went to jail for it.

Good dog #1:  Stayed with his 3-year-old mistress all night in the mountains, and kept her safe.

Good dog #2:  Bit a would-be mugger and chased him off.

Animals who simply Don't Care.

A bunch of weird animal stories -- plus an exploding ant. Hey, only quality items from this blog. (From Listverse)

Ken Burns' quilt collection!

Yep, show your class by attacking Barbara Bush after her death. And then brag that you can't be hurt because you have tenure, and can say whatever you want. Shame on this professor.  Maybe she should pay a little attention to this case.

22 products that don't make as much sense as they should. Especially computer accessories!  (From Cracked) Also from them:

12 very funny jokes hiding in the movie credits. You should always stay and watch these...

Best-loved cake for every state of the U.S.  (From Taste of Home)

Coney island hot dog sauce. Kind of chili -- kind of not. (From Vickie's Kitchen and Garden)

Have a good week.

One of the great quilts at the Rotary Exhibit in Paducah

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...