And also our dentist, at Tedford Dental.
We've known this guy since our girlies and his and Linda's kids were babies. We did a Brazil missions trip together -- Terry did his stuff, with the Brick as his assistant and me as his sterilizing technician.
We are very fond of him and his wife Linda.
But he drives me absolutely CRAZY.
I needed a good cleaning, x-rays and a front tooth was showing a yellow spot. The Brick also needed his teeth cleaned. Good enough.
It had been a long day, to start with. I still haven't completely beat this flu germ...and was feeling bad that I would be passing it around. (No matter: they take precautions, and wear face masks, as well.) I'd done a piano lesson. Worked on appraisal stuff. And had a crappy night of sleep, because I couldn't breathe that easily. Life was a bit fuzzy.
Nearly finished with all the scraping, buzzing, filling and polishing. Starting to relax now.. I'm thinking: GREAT. No huge problems this time around. It seems like the Brick and I alternate having crowns, cavities, etc. And though we have insurance, we always end up paying, as well.
Terry's kind voice interrupts my thoughts. I've got a huge cavity developing underneath a crown -- and another one starting under a second crown. He'll need to take both off, fix the problems, and put two new crowns back on. As soon as possible, of course.
At least I have a shiny new front tooth, and everything's suitably clean and polished.
And the Brick doesn't need anything fixed this time around. (Guess it's my turn.)
If you're looking for a kind and gentle dentist in the Denver area, Tedford Dental is your place. (They work with insurance, and payment plans, too.) Tell Brenda that Cindy sent you.

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