Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: The Fear Edition

     We made it back from Santa Fe, after a nail-biting trip along I-25 from south of Colorado Springs to home. At least the scary part was only at the beginning, and about two hours at the end. 
     After a work gig for me, we spent the weekend hunkered down, fighting off an attack of flu. It was then that I noticed -- there are an awful lot of scary things going on lately. 

On a serious note:

My heart goes out to the survivors of the mosque shootings in New Zealand. If they only had security guards -- they could at least have stopped the shooter at the first mosque. At least there were those who were brave enough to stand up to him.

Now on with the fun. 

'When your internet and your truck conspire against you:' the monthly report from the Frugalwoods. Hey lady, I've had a few days like that lately...

Diamonds and candy necklaces, worn together.  Do that all the time, too. (Okay, that's not scary. Weird, yes. Frightening, no.)

A moose home intruder. Yet another thing to worry about in beautiful Breckenridge, CO. And if that isn't enough:

Goats on the lam in Boise, ID. Lots of 'em.

Anyone can give you the finger now -- and it's protected because it's a right of free speech. Tell that to the teenagers who almost ran me over -- then expressed their 'free speech' most abundantly.

The United Airlines pilot who got busted for walking naked around his hotel room! He thought the frosted windows meant no one could see him -- we would have assumed that, too. I did wonder whether the slightly-sheer curtains in our room at Cabo Pulmo were hiding everything.
     Next question: why did the District Attorney's office wait for a judge to dismiss the case? This seems a clear-cut mistake, but it went on long enough to partially ruin this poor guy's life.

Visiting your folks' grave -- then the ground opens underneath you. That would freak anyone out.

Ten amazing liars -- who should have stopped while they were ahead.  (From Listverse) Listverse is good at this game, including:

Ten horrifying things doctors don't always tell you.

You can't even trust a television game show?!? Actually, we knew that a number of these had been rigged in the past. (Or people cheat.) One more to add to the list: Olivia Jade Loughlin, she of the 'I-can't-make-it-into-college-so-my-mom-has-to-pay-somebody,' lost a trivia competition. But executives insisted the ending be re-shot, showing her as the winner. Can't this girl accomplish anything on her own? (At least her news is taking the heat off Jussie Smollett. For now, at least.)

Seven viral stories that didn't have quiiite the ending they implied.  (From Cracked)

Eating eggs increases your risk of heart attack. First they're good...then they're not. Then they're good...

And in case that didn't do it:

Eleven things you're afraid of -- but shouldn't be.

Let's all get out there and panic this week. Or not.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.