Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A Small Miracle

     I love staying up late. (In fact, this is being typed just after 1 a.m.)

So it's not uncommon for me to be out at night, doing errands and taking care of business. Sunday night was no exception -- I'd stopped by Safeway, the credit union and was headed to the post office.

A handful of letters needed posting -- I'd just go through the drive-through and drop them off.

Go inside and mail them there, a small inner voice prodded.

Naaah, I thought. It will take just a minute to drop them off at the outside mailbox.

No, the small voice insisted. You need to go inside. 

But why? No reason given -- just the urge that I should go into the lobby area and mail the envelopes there.

I've learned from past experience to listen to my instinct/conscience/impulse. And I've regretted it when I didn't.  Fine. With a little inner sigh, I got out of the truck and went into the lobby.

The envelopes went into the mail slot -- and it was then that I noticed the black wallet left on top of the mail machine. Uh-oh. A young guy had just been using the machine to mail a package; it must be his. I opened it, glanced at the license -- and the face of a dear friend stared back at me.

In fact, we'd just had lunch and a movie together only a few hours before. What the...? 

I stopped by her house on the way home. Not only was she unaware she'd left her wallet at the post office -- but it held all her i.d., credit cards, etc. (Not a thing was missing, by the way.) She was shocked and very grateful.

Here's the sticker. 

I would have never found her wallet, had I not stopped and gone into the post office lobby. But I would not have done that, had I not paid attention to the little inner voice urging me to go. 

Was it a God thing? I definitely think so. God has used that little voice before in both the Brick's and my lives. My friend could not have afforded to lose a penny right now, let alone replace everything in that wallet.

I'm grateful I listened. So is she.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.