Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Colorado Did It!

('Have you gone nuts?!? What do you mean?')

Saturday, our beloved state achieved the near-impossible: rain, snow, sleet, hail, sunshine and thunderstorms -- all on the same day. 
    How many other states could win gold in the Weather Olympics? Yay, Colorado!! 

Can it be done again? Wait 24 hours...we'll find out.

Our first daffodils bloomed this weekend. Poor things, they won't know where to turn the next time the weather goes bananas.

Now on with the Stuff:

The story of a garden. Multiple gardens, actually.  (From Jembella Farm)

Twelve ways to save on groceries. I'd never thought about estate sales... from Surviving and Thriving.

Poor ol' Anna Sorokin will be deported, whether or not she's found guilty in her upcoming trial for fraud. Turns out the fake socialite, or "Anna Delvey," as she's been called, has overstayed her visa.

Emotional spending -- sometimes it IS the right thing to do.  I agree with Prudence Debtfree on this one. (We at the Brick house call this 'being bad kitties.')

Ten unusual mummified animals (birds, too) discoveredI find this subject fascinating, especially when it pertains to quilts.  Thanks for the heads-up, Listverse.

Could you stand up to relentless bullying, and not fight back? This 12-year-old schoolgirl did...good for her.

Nine cities that will pay you to move there.

A nasty way to treat military veterans, post-deployment... at least the Doubletree management realized and did something about it.

Norman Rockwell said it well.

Did she do it on purpose? One figure skater nails another in the leg during warm-ups; the 'nailer,'  an American, ends up 6th in competition, the 'nailee,' a Korean skater, takes 5th. The question now is whether it was done accidently...or intentionally. (The American didn't apologize; says she didn't even notice. The official Powers That Be said it was accidental, and didn't penalize the American. The Korean's coach accuses said American of bullying for months. Hmmmm.)

Some of Kim Kardashian's makeup tricks -- from the guy that does them for her. Some are surprisingly inexpensive.

Menu planning when the fridge is empty. Or seems to be.  (From Under the Median). She includies this tasty-looking:

Smoky White Bean Soup -- a dead ringer, she says, for the 'bean with bacon' canned soups the Brick likes so much.

Five ways to spot a moneymaking scam(From Make Money Your Way)

"What is something you didn't notice until someone else pointed it out?" A fun question, with some very amusing responses, from Quora.

Are you a lucky optimist?  Although one of the points made in this interesting post is: You have to work for it.  (From Retire by 40)

When luxuries become necessities.  (From Budgets Are Sexy)

Some of the easiest Chinese food ever, thanks to Mrs. Crunch via the Sun. I'm going for her sweet-and-sour chicken, pictured below.

The very funny tale of a thrift shop table found...then lost...then found again. Never mind that 'somebody died on it.' You'll have to read to understand. (Thanks, Mavis at One Hundred Dollars A Month. P.S. Mavis -- My husband agrees with yours.)

It's the Poppy-pocalypse! A bazillion poppies are blooming on the hillsides near a California town...and practically everyone is coming to see them.

Some of the funniest (and brutal) breakup messages you'll ever see. Including billboards...whoa.

The turkey security guard. We've seen them do this...

Perfect items for traveling -- from a flight attendant's point of view.

Have a great week. Maybe, just in case, you should take along a heavy coat, umbrella, sunscreen, hoodie, a rain hat, snow boots, sunglasses, heavy coat...

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.