Sunday, October 5, 2008

Home to Colorado

Just flew back from Phoenix...and boy, are my arms tired.

Ba Dum Bum

Seriously, I AM tired...I love teaching, I really do. But it takes a chunk out of your stamina, especially the dating/restoration classes. They require being able to spout off a bunch of terms and dates at the drop of a hat. Take it from me -- if you haven't spent the past six weeks crouched on a roof somewhere, it probably would be easier to do it.

I can say, though, that the PAQA (Phoenix Area Quilters Association) guild is wonderful. They were enormously kind and very enthusiastic. (Hi guys -- and thank you so much! I'm missing you already.)

Tomorrow morning puts me back into gear...and gets us back to shipping, as well. A bunch of orders await.

* * * * * *
Just found this wonderful blog -- great if you enjoy a blow-by-blow account on whatever he's cooking. (I found myself occasionally shouting at the screen, 'GET ON WITH IT...' but hey, that's me.) He has some terrific ideas.

And -- two tickets to the theater, just for asking? For a good many parts of the country, that's true!

Not Denver or Castle Rock, darn it...but hopefully you can take advantage of this.

Dave is snoring -- time for bed. Tomorrow, another day.

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