Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Interview with a Tightwadder

Amy Dacyczyn (pronounced "decision") opened a lot of eyes when she first published the Tightwad Gazette newsletter, a compendium of things cheap and frugal. Fortunately for those of us who didn't subscribe, Amy also combined her newsletters into several books, also called the Tightwad Gazette. (Look for the combined version on Ebay or Amazon; it's the best buy. Amazon's choices are here:

http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Tightwad-Gazette-Amy-Dacyczyn/dp/0375752250/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1223405536&sr=8-1 )

Some of her tips are overkill in frugality, but the vast majority are simply brilliant. And here's an interview with the author herself:


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Made You Look - Stupid

 Or should there be a  dash in this sentence?? Here's another weiner: Or this charmer... With his cheeks sucked in, too. Ugh. And yet an...