Monday, November 30, 2009

My Buddy - Stephen King

It's true...and yet it isn't.

I'm fascinated by the guy, as well as revulsed (he periodically suffers from "trash mouth" and the desperate need to describe weird sex in detail) and frustrated (he's great at characterization and detail, but sometimes shovels his endings in wayyy too fast).

Some of his books have gone way past creepy-in-a-fascinating-way to directly affecting my life. Case in point: His 1987 novel, Misery, about a writer who becomes the pet of Annie Wilkes, his "greatest fan." (King himself admitted that Annie represented the addictions he'd had for years, including alcohol and drugs.) For anyone who's a writer, just the idea of being kept hostage and forced to write has a nasty attraction (time to write! no interruptions!) at the same time it repulses ('ol Annie's going to chop my foot off if I don't make the characters do what she wants! Why would they...they never do what I want them to do...)

I read the book shortly after I had Daughter #1, not realizing until halfway through that Annie was a nurse at Boulder Community Hospital. Where she went on trial for murdering babies in the neonatal section. Where both our daughters were born.

Talk about chills down the spine. I even did some checking -- was there a nurse put on trial for this? But apparently, King made it up. (whew)

I also had a love/hate affair with King's Needful Things...where you can get anything you want, but you have to pay for it by doing "favors" for the owner.

And, of course, there's The Stand.

All three have been made into tv series...although I think I prefer The Langoliers and The Shining (which King has been working on a sequel to), instead of any of them. (Shawshank Redemption -- yes, King wrote that, too! -- is also great.)

One of King's very best books, though, is also one of his least-known: a nonfiction look at himself and his work, called simply On Writing. It also covers his 1999 accident, which left him in pain ever since.
Roger Ebert observed: "A lot of people were outraged that he [King] was honored at the National Book Awards, as if a popular writer could not be taken seriously. But after finding that his book On Writing had more useful and observant things to say about the craft than any book since Strunk and White's The Elements of Style, I have gotten over my own snobbery."

Stephen King: one amazing, messed-up guy.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day Before Thanksgiving Musings

The Coinstar people are at it in $40 worth of coins, and get $10 free! It's simpler than you think; load in your coins, get the 'loaded' gift card or e-cert from the machine, then mail in the claim form at the bottom of your receipt. Voila..I got a $10 Amazon gift card this way last year. (The deal's good through Dec. 6.)

Also, a treasure of '60s Texas photographs of Important People (including one of Kennedy's motorcade, moments before his assassination) found dumped under a Forth Worth, TX bridge. Authorities suspect that it was part of the items taken from a historical society five years ago.

Putting up...and actually finding floors and counters underneath all that stuff. A miracle. Kind of like the Italian Mafia boss who was let out of jail early, for 'medical reasons.' (Paralysis, supposedly.) When arrested, he was dining sans wheelchair, having driven to the restaurant in his sportscar. The cops asked what happened, and he replied, "It's a miracle!"

This IS a miracle; an incredible meteor shower in South Africa.

* * * * *
Don't forget about my Hot Chocolate giveaway! Here are the particulars:

-- actually, THREE new giveaways, thanks to Carolina Pad. This stationery company has come up with some of the most colorful, cheerful (and very high quality) stationery products I've seen in a long time. And thanks to their generous donation, we're going to send three stationery gifts out for three lucky people, in time for Christmas giving!

Here's the plan. (I'll repeat it again in future posts -- don't worry.)
You've got at least three chances to enter:

* Post a comment on any posts between today (Nov. 21) and Dec. 4. Yammer on about whatever you'd like. (You'll have an entry for every comment, but it's limited to one a day.)

*Visit Carolina Pad, come back, and let me know your favorite design there. Make this a separate comment. (In case you're wondering, the giveaways will all be in their classy 'Hot Chocolate' pattern.)

*Join up -- become a follower of my blog, and earn a third entry in the contest!

The contest ends Dec. 4...and we'll announce the winners Dec. 6.

* * * *

Now, if I could only get one of my family to watch some of those Pilgrim Thanksgiving specials with me...that would be a miracle, too.

Have a wonderful, peaceful Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Great Tips

Got a minute? Here's a compendium of some of the best common sense tips I've ever read. Subscribing to the home spot, Vocalpoint, is worth it, too -- lots of coupons and freebies.

one of the tips:
Stubborn stains on your clothes? Spray them with oven cleaner. (I'm going to try this, especially on stubborn stains on the 'Brick shelf', the chest.)

Worth a shot.

Got any of your own tried-and-true tips to share?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dyeing Yarn with Kool-Aid

Ever try this? The tutorial here makes it look really easy...

just two packages of kool-aid, a jar of water and a microwave.

Oh, and time.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Recession Stories

Originally, I visited the Ladies' Home Journal site because One Frugal Girl, a fellow blogger, was talking about their pantry homemade mixes. And that was interesting...

but even more so were the four stories of families coping with lost jobs, homes and improvising for insurance and work. You can read about them here.

(P.S. Don't miss out on OFG's original entry -- she's got a great recipe for taco seasoning mix.)

A long day, filled with church, lunch with a friend, a (short) nap, and a church-wide Thanksgiving supper.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lost and Found

Lose anything lately?

Poor old Galileo had a few fingers, a tooth and a vertebrae lifted when his body was exhumed and reburied in a fancy mausoleum 95 years after his death. The fingers and tooth reappeared recently; no doubt the great astronomer's happy about that.

Also, some weird Peruvian gang is murdering people for their body fat, which they (the gang members) sell to cosmetic companies.

Well, they can have some of my fat anytime!

Did a BUNCH of appraisals today, plus caught up on piano lessons...and had supper with Daughter #1. This weekend, I'll finally announce that giveaway...check back in. It will be worth it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Love Being Home!

...but exhausted. Got just a few hours sleep last night, trying to catch back up.

Will have something to say, besides burbling, tomorrow.

Hope you all are doing ok.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Barbara Brackman Mentions Quilts of the Golden West!

I respect this quilt and fabric historian so much that it's a positive pleasure to have her mention my name...and Quilts of the Golden West. Take a look at Barbara's blog for more, including several photos.

* * * * *
A loooooonnnng day today. Judged 250 quilts! I did it, but by wearing out a whole bevy of scribes and myself, in the process. Glad to be home and at the computer, where I can just let my mind wander. It got a real workout today in Grand Junction.

Appraising all day tomorrow. More mental digging and shoveling, but it's worth it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy Not-Halloween!

What do you do with your leftover Halloween candy? Frugal Upstate and buddies have been discussing this. Their options include crushing it and using the 'crumbles' to top cakes; decorating gingerbread houses; and so on.
I was surprised no one mentioned what I do with it (assuming I've got some, that is): fill in extra spots in Christmas stockings. (the weird eyeballs, lips, etc. are especially appreciated.)

This year, we had no trick or treaters. Yes, you read that right -- zero, zip, nada. There aren't a lot of kids in the neighborhood, to start with, and it was pretty chilly out.
I've had fun watching some of the classic horror flicks showing lately, though -- The Fog and The Shining (both Stephan King) are favorites. A very sexy version of Dracula (with Frank Langella, of all people!) ranks up there now, too. (The sex is pretty much implied, except for the obligatory cleavage. Even the guy shows some chest! The only freaky part -- taking in account, the general weirdness you get with any Dracula movie, that is --Dracula says "gooood eve-n-ing" about nine hundred bazillion times. And seems to be doing it seriously every single time!)

* * * *
I am happy to say that Quilts #1 and #2 went out the door, happily ensconced in their caretaker's arms this weekend. I got about 45 min. of sleep last night, but it was worth it. Now on to finish up the next project: a larger quilt version of Hanky Panky, done in neutrals. And on to teach at the Grand Junction, CO guild next Wednesday. (Judging is on Thursday, and appraisals on Friday and Saturday.)

Now on to finish up some dishes, while the Godfather keeps us company. (AMC has been showing all three Godfather movies today -- amazing. I'd never seen any. They're better than I figured, though you have to get used to the idea that if someone says no, does something rebellious, or gets caught cheating or doing something stupid, they're pretty much dead.)

Then on to blissful sleep.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Christmas gift ideas - fast, and priced right!

Yes, it's coming...and now's a great time to start on gift ideas before Thanksgiving hits. This site has so many different suggestions that I ran out of steam, trying to read them all! What sets it apart from others, though, is the plethora of inexpensive gift ideas for guys. That, and lots of recipes. Take a look!

Some Helpful Posts

Mike at Gathering Little by Little always has something interesting to say, including this post on ten little ways to save money that really add up.

My buddy at The Simple Dollar admits he's given in to various temptations...but there is a way to handle these occasional stumbles, and profit from it. You could, too.

Sunny day, but lots of work to do.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mourning Ribbons, Performing Cats and More

What -- these don't go together in your mind?? :)

*Mourning ribbons hold a fascination for me -- partly because they've been around for hundreds of years, partly because they are such a strong signal of that person's importance to their world. Presidential ribbons are a special favorite -- and I just scored a 1994 Richard Nixon one off Ebay! Whoo hoo!
Here's a Benjamin Franklin ribbon I can only aspire to. (Maybe you can afford its $3000-plus price.)
I wonder if there's a Michael Jackson mourning ribbon?

*And the kitties, for fellow cat-lovers on this blog...

Here's the best compilation of singing and talking kitties I know of. Our cat Sheba used to do a scritchy ditty similar to this little guy. Also, a 'mouser' and a kitty who goes nuts when his string is taken away. Best of all: the Moscow Cat Theatre. (I don't make this stuff up -- I just chronicle it!)

* * * * * *
Yours Truly was mistaken in some of her fussing. (sigh) My new book, Quilts of the Golden West, has been doing wonderfully. (That was no mistake.) BUT I got the newest royalty statement, and it's clear I misunderstood the Kansas City Star accountant. The book sold $5100 worth in September -- not 5100 books.
I know it's done great in October, so I'm not too embarrassed. But please stand by as Yours Truly mops her red face with a handkerchief, and says "Oops. Sorry."

Starting a New Week!

Have you ever visited the Get Rich Slowly discussion forums? Lots of posts there on success stories, people/places/things to avoid, and this one: tips, good sites and freebies.

A beautiful day, albeit a bit snowy. Even with the sun of the past few days, we still have big piles of snow in street medians around here. Husband trudged off to work this morning, after a three-day (paid) vacation. (That's the plus of working for the school district -- when school's cancelled, it's for everybody.)

Piles of Stuff await -- I'd better get to it. Hope your Monday is a sunny one, too.

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...