Friday, November 20, 2009

Lost and Found

Lose anything lately?

Poor old Galileo had a few fingers, a tooth and a vertebrae lifted when his body was exhumed and reburied in a fancy mausoleum 95 years after his death. The fingers and tooth reappeared recently; no doubt the great astronomer's happy about that.

Also, some weird Peruvian gang is murdering people for their body fat, which they (the gang members) sell to cosmetic companies.

Well, they can have some of my fat anytime!

Did a BUNCH of appraisals today, plus caught up on piano lessons...and had supper with Daughter #1. This weekend, I'll finally announce that giveaway...check back in. It will be worth it.

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Investing Advice: Uncertain Times

 -- from one of the Great Ones, Warren Buffett. *Stay calm.  and: *Don't let fear control you.       (or over-optimism, for that matter....