Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snow Day

It's been snowing like crazy since late this morning. No one's moving, unless they have can see the weather in Colorado via this live cam, located just down the hill from my house.
    Daughter #1 called; her dog Jack has been feeling peaked since Christmas. Finally, she took him to the vet today. Diagnosis:  pancreaitis (and a $400 bill). Would we come get him, so she could continue to work double shifts at the restaurant? (She's off school until mid-January.)
    I looked outside at the blowing, shifting snow. Would I? Might as well fly there. We were just getting ready to get on the long underwear, and try anyways, when Daughter called again...a friend watched the dog while she went to work. And wouldn't you know it -- she got cut.The restaurant was deserted. (Go figure.)
    All the same, though, we'll go get him when the snow lets up some. In the meantime, we started wading through the pile of gift DVDs, ate cheese enchiladas, and I worked on binding and finishing up a quilt for Road to California.   (Some of my classes/lecture are full -- but there are still openings! I'd love to come have you join me.)
    The dogs have spent the day snuggled by the fire, or on our feet. Don't blame them.

Donna Freedman's home again. I especially enjoyed her description of getting a meal around, after having been gone for some weeks. 
   I'm just glad we didn't have to go anywhere special today. And grateful that Jack the dog is doing better.


Donna Freedman said...

Hi Cindy: Thank you for the link.
I'm in Los Angeles now and will be in Phoenix Wednesday. It's good to know that I can put together another meal without too much trouble when I slog back through the door after a day of plane, train and bus. As these big storms indicate, it's always a good idea to have some extra rations lying around.

Cindy Brick said...

Not to mention a few cans of soup or chili, plus a hunk of cheese or two...thank YOU, Donna.

Frugal Hits & Misses: April Report

 Tired. Just tired. But a week's visit to see family in Washington helped. Now on to finishing up things, so I can start new things. One...