Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Famous Last Words - and Meals

I am amazed at what you can find on the Internet nowadays. Reading in the TruCrime Library (itself a compendium of some of the strangest stories out there) brought me to something I hadn't really thought much about: what inmates request for their last meals. Here's TruCrime's list, as well as Wikipedia's take on the subjectSlate also did an article about it. (A Death Row chef wrote his own book on inmates' favorites in Texas.)

What was truly freaky was the similarity in meals: steak, hamburgers/cheeseburgers "with the works," pizza ditto, Mexican plates, sweet tea. And the hands-down favorites, requested over and over:  fried chicken and french fries.
    If the phrase "you are what you eat" is true, what does this signal?!?
    (P.S. I LOVE fried chicken!)

 Last words uttered during various executions are on the Internet, as well. Here, too. (And only a few protest that they're innocent. Makes me wonder, though -- if you protest your guilt with your final breaths, wouldn't that make a D.A. stop to wonder, too?) The Texas Department of Criminal Justice actually lists last comments by 'executed offenders', one by one. This could be comforting or unsettling, depending on your connection.

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