Sunday, February 13, 2011

Waiting to Celebrate

As anyone who is half-dead, deaf and/or blind knows, Valentine's Day is coming up. Husband and I already went to a church banquet that was a lot of fun...but hardly romantic. He has a gift certificate to a steak place that's burning a hole in his pocket. "How about on Valentine's night, we go out?" he said.
     Then I reminded him of the umpteen couples that are thinking of doing the same thing. He groaned. (He hates waiting at restaurants.) So the plan is this: Feb. 14, we'll have a nice supper at home by the fire. I have some crab legs in the freezer, bought on sale a while back. Baked potato, green beans and his present will finish out the menu.
    Tuesday night, we'll get the steak he's craving.
    There was a time in our lives that we would not have planned things ahead like this -- just gone ahead and did whatever we wanted, right when we wanted to. I honestly think, though, that we'll get much more satisfaction out of celebrating this way.
   Another friend, Stephanie, is celebrating the same way with her husband Valentine's evening. You may want to, as well, with one of these inspiring recipes.

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