Friday, June 17, 2011

Best Yard Sale Finds...Lots of Them!

The Nester is having one of her linky parties -- this one on Best Garage Sale treasures. What fun to rummage through her links -- almost as good as finding the stuff yourself. Especially when I've been being an insurance office person all day. I've heard at least two thunderstorms go through, and wonder what the Servpro people left outside that might get rained on. (Hopefully not the wood. The metal shelving, who cares.)
    I'm especially envious of this blogger's magic finds...
Hmmm, what would mine be? Maybe the armload of blue flowware plates, $1 each. (Yes, 19th century blue flowware.) Or the chintz armchair, padded in what I am pretty sure is down, snagged for less than $20 at our local thrift shop's half-price sale. (It always happens the third Saturday of the month -- and tomorrow's the next one.)
    Or maybe it's the antique metal folding stepstool, old-fashioned red paint with a generous batch of paint drips, that was $5. I've also found bracelets, beads and a ton of paper napkins for literally nickels. I love garage sales!

The band last night was ok...we were jammed on a pretty small stage for eight people to stand on. I spent the evening with one hip braced against Husband's keyboard, trying desperately not to back up onto the guitar player! Some songs were wonderful, like "Taking Care of Business." Some were a struggle because we had difficulty hearing each other -- the sounds were echoing all over. Hot lights made it pretty sweaty, too. It was fun, but I agree with the time-honored saying: we shouldn't quit our day jobs.

Libby tells me that the Servpro people have been throwing out bags and assorted trash. They told her the moldy, mildewy carpet should be gone by tonight. Oh boo hoo...I wonder what's underneath. Will find out tonight.

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First Day of Spring

 . ..technically speaking, that is.  We've got cold temps and gray skies. Maybe Fort Garland just didn't get the message yet.  But I...