Friday, June 24, 2011

Earning Extra Money - Part Two

Obviously this subject is on many people's minds right now, what with uncertainties everywhere.

Get Rich Slowly has a post on this today -- with links to many other blogs. It will take a while to wade through, but if you're honestly looking to earn more money, it's worth it. Go here for the straight scoop.

Some things I've done for supplementary cash:
    (ooh, that sounds a little kinky!)

*sold apples (and trimmed apple trees)
*typed and/or edited term papers and vetted resumes
*cleaned house
*given piano and voice lessons
*sat through survey sessions on cars, bath and cleaning products
*taken surveys online
*given rides to places
*acted as a Santa Claus girl in a mall
*been a member of online forums (financial and food) -- you're required to post weekly, in order to qualify for Amazon gift cards
*been part of should, too! It's very easy to do; just click on the Swagbucks graphic at right. (I'll get a little reward too, for guiding you there.)

Probably the oddest jobs were helping install lightning rods on the gymnasium roof of a university (during spring break one year in college), running a Children's Book Fair (also in college), and the weiner: 
     *Writing enclopedia definitions on quilting for Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Every little bit helps, doesn't it!


Donna Freedman said...

I was once paid $35 to watch a short porn film. Honest.

Cindy Brick said...

All I can say to that is...ewwwwww.

And then what? Did they measure your exhalations? Sweat level? Heart rate?

I'm being rude, but man, that's a strange one. Thanks for writing, Donna.

Made You Look - Stupid

 Or should there be a  dash in this sentence?? Here's another weiner: Or this charmer... With his cheeks sucked in, too. Ugh. And yet an...