Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday Blur

Boy, I've had better weeks.

The Mama was sick when I visited Michigan -- and the earache she contributed blossomed into a raging fever last night. I didn't get much sleep, considering the bod was hot, hot, hot, then cold, cold, cold. The fever finally broke early this morning, but I still have the other symptoms to deal with.

But...I was supposed to sing a solo tonight! We were going on a mini-vacation to Denver this weekend!

No matter. It's all cancelled, and I'm staying in bed. Well, sort of. The clothes still need to get washed, and the tree (a $10.81 bargain from Sam's) needs to be put up. Which means I have to go down to storage and dig through the huge pile of quilts there, to get to the Christmas decorations.

We are making progress. The guys working downstairs left yesterday. We have a new wall, holes are fixed, and plenty of new outlets. Now to sand down the walls and paint them, so we can start laying tile. Then I can put the cupboards up and put stuff away.  Isn't it amazing how these things layer on each other?!

Back to bed. (I'll decorate the tree and make the Sachertorte later.)  One final note: another video, "We the People," from Ray Stevens. Friend Constance, a true-blue Democrat, if there ever was one, and I were discussing the world yesterday. We may not agree on President Obama's role in all this...but we both feel there is something terribly wrong with the current system. And the sooner Congress admits to that, the faster they can start coming up with practical ways to fix it.
    Anyways, here it is:

Have a good weekend.

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