Saturday, December 10, 2011

Warming Up...

Our snow is melting fast -- it's been in the 40s and 50s. But no worries -- another storm is scheduled to roar in on Wednesday!

Spent most of the day today helping out at a Seniors Luncheon with our small group. I played piano while they started coming in...helped serve food...then played again for Christmas carols and afterwards. After taking down the tables and putting back the chairs with our friends, I did errands, trudged home...

And turned right around to head back to church for Worship Team practice. Then the Saturday night service. 

Tomorrow will be more of same...except TWO church services to do. Then luckily, we can eat Sunday dinner, collapse and take a long, luxurious nap. Sounds lovely.

No Christmas decorations up yet, but we did indulge in a few of our favorite holiday movies: Die Hard, Die Hard 2 (hey, parts of it were filmed in Colorado, including Breckenridge, an old church near Denver, and Stapleton airport in Denver!) and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (also parts filmed in Colorado - also Breck, to be exact). All that fuss and bother seemed to fit in nicely with this odd week.

Hopefully the coming days will be much more peaceful.

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