Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Bullies and Other Evils: What to Do?
Marlo Thomas (whose Free To Be...You and Me organization has been dealing with bullying for years) wrote an interesting column in the wake of the Ohio student who killed and wounded several students a few days ago. After mentioning several examples of kids who committed suicide over bullying, she then makes a typical comment:
"Researchers also say that parents and teachers are often so distracted by other problems -- at home, in the classroom -- that they don't recognize the signs of bullying." (Sounds like blaming the adults to me.)
"Obviously, the system isn't working," says Marlo.
An important first step to untangling this dilemma is changing how we treat the bullies, according Julie Hertzog of Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center.. "We need to take the anger out of our response," she says. "Making villains of kids who bully does not create a positive environment. We need to teach all kids empathy and bring them together, inclusively." (In other words, I guess, pat them kindly on the head, and say there, there...we're all in this together.) Hertzog does point out that the bullied can easily become bullies themselves, so therefore their actions can be excused. Sort of.
I don't quite get this. Coddle the bullies and warm them with understanding? (The Holbrook girls, who regularly beat up anyone they chose on my school bus ride home, would have laughed themselves silly.) How would those who were bullied feel about this?
But then, what can you do when fifth-graders are trying to kill their teacher with rat poison. And writing nasty notes ("How are you doing in Hell? Love, Joey") to their parents. (Ha ha! How funny, say family members. No worries, they say - the kid turned out ok.)
There is a horrible tendency to dismiss actions like this: "Well, kids will be kids." "They'll grow out of it." "Ignore it, and it will go away." Or even worse: admire them for being such an evil/creative little darling.
"Obviously, the system isn't working," says Thomas. "The kids who are in the thick of today's bullying epidemic -- victims, bullies and bystanders alike -- are lost, and they urgently need adult guidance." And not just in bullying, either --
Your children are smacking each other around, or indulging in creative insults? ("Cow" was one favorite I often heard.) Make it clear that behavior will not be tolerated -- ever. Sure, they'll do it in private sometimes...but they will stop.
The insults you overheard, directed at a special needs teenager?
The casual approach to stealing, as long as it's 'just' a pencil or candy bar?
The ha-ha jokes about doing pot? (I am soooo tired of these.)
The teenager who enjoys swiping his neighbor's Christmas light bulbs, every afternoon on the way home from school? Or torturing his pet?
The kid that threatens and takes a knife to the back seat of the schoolbus? (They may be dealing with problems at home, all right -- so take that seriously, as well. If you can help, or advise, or put events in motion, do it.)
Take their actions to heart. Say, "This stops -- now." Deal with it promptly, up-front and in the open. The issue is not whether the person is the spawn of Satan -- because generally, kids aren't. Neither are adults. But they, like adults, need to be held accountable for their actions. If you do it, the bully, child or adult, can be stopped. And you may literally save their life in the process.
For help and advice, visit:
Stop Bullying Now!
Heroes in the Hallway
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Frozen Dead Guy Days
Nederland, CO, the little mountain town we lived in for some time (and Daughter #2 currently lives in), has one of the strangest festivals ever -- a celebration of 'Grandpa,' whose frozen body is still in a Tuff shed in town. He's been there for years, waiting either for the Resurrection or his grandson, who got deported -- whichever gets there first. (BTW, that's Grandpa's picture in the popsicle the skeleton is holding.)
Anyhow, this weekend, March 2-4, is your chance to watch coffin races, plunge into the (frozen) reservoir, or bowl with frozen turkeys...and much more weird stuff! You can see photos of past years' festivities on FDGD's Facebook page, through the video below, or via their website. See you there!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Going to Extremes
I should know better than to read blogs in the morning, before the coffee kicks in. (Not to mention dealing with the winds that are roaring around the house right now. They're icy cold, and my Michigan-born blood keeps insisting that tornadoes are coming. Snow, yes -- tornadoes, no.)
Stacy Makes Cents guest posted on one of my favorite blogs about her new transformation. This is a woman who went so hog-wild on couponing and stockpiling that she was able to feed her family for a solid month on just what she had on the shelves. (And she had a lot. Her place looks like a store.)
She purchased soap and cleaners the same way. Now that her little girl has had some issues with red and flaky skin (a sensitivity to one of the soaps, right?), she's...
Throwing everything out and starting over.
Now all processed foods of any kind Are Evil And Must Be Destroyed --or in her family's case, consumed first. ( 'After all, I am frugal,' she says.) The biggest villains are foods with soy, which are immediately tossed in the trash. What's so suddenly horrible about soy, I wonder. (Stacy doesn't say.)
Does she embrace this new lifestyle with caution? Naah. She's now just as big into buying and procuring ingredients, books and such for this new extreme as she was into couponing. And since they're all 'natural,' I'm guessing she's generally not paying frugal prices for them, either. This doesn't look like a woman who would dig around in the bins in the bulk foods section. Nothing but the best.
Isn't this hell-bent for leather...just in the opposite direction?
I am a big fan of natural foods -- that's why I have a garden, and make nearly all of the meals we consume. It's why the Brick is a hunter, and we'll buy pork or beef on the hoof from rancher friends when we can. I buy at farmer's markets when possible, and cook with basic ingredients like flour, oatmeal and even, on occasion, when Daughter #2's hens are producing, free-range eggs. (Haven't talked the Brick into chickens yet. Haven't given up on the idea, either.)
I use baking soda (in the big bags), vinegar and borax for cleaning. (I haven't made my own laundry detergent yet, but am considering it.) Yes, we have a washing machine -- thank God. (Schlepping to the laundromat, or stomping clothes in the bathtub, wine-making style, are not among my happier memories.)
As for recycling -- nearly all of my clothes (upper-end labels, mostly) come from thrift shops and secondhand stores. The Brick follows suit. (And I mean that literally in the wardrobe department.) No peasant blouses, tie-dyeds or granny skirts in the lot. (And yes, I wear a bra.)
Oh, and I can't use Dove soap, because I get a rash from it.
I am not a big fan of hyped-up 'natural' products, either. Most are produced on huge commercial farms that have few bits of true Nature going for them. And the FDA's requirements on 'organic' are loose enough that all sorts of iffy things can wander in. Why should I pay a whole lot extra for products that may not be that different from their fellows on the shelf...except the label?
It seems smart to do what you can as basically as you can. But Snickers bars, dishwashing detergent, Dial soap and freezer meals (with soy -- gasp!!!) have their place, too, in moderation.
I, for one, would not want to do without them.
Stacy Makes Cents guest posted on one of my favorite blogs about her new transformation. This is a woman who went so hog-wild on couponing and stockpiling that she was able to feed her family for a solid month on just what she had on the shelves. (And she had a lot. Her place looks like a store.)
She purchased soap and cleaners the same way. Now that her little girl has had some issues with red and flaky skin (a sensitivity to one of the soaps, right?), she's...
Throwing everything out and starting over.
Now all processed foods of any kind Are Evil And Must Be Destroyed --or in her family's case, consumed first. ( 'After all, I am frugal,' she says.) The biggest villains are foods with soy, which are immediately tossed in the trash. What's so suddenly horrible about soy, I wonder. (Stacy doesn't say.)
Does she embrace this new lifestyle with caution? Naah. She's now just as big into buying and procuring ingredients, books and such for this new extreme as she was into couponing. And since they're all 'natural,' I'm guessing she's generally not paying frugal prices for them, either. This doesn't look like a woman who would dig around in the bins in the bulk foods section. Nothing but the best.
Isn't this hell-bent for leather...just in the opposite direction?
I am a big fan of natural foods -- that's why I have a garden, and make nearly all of the meals we consume. It's why the Brick is a hunter, and we'll buy pork or beef on the hoof from rancher friends when we can. I buy at farmer's markets when possible, and cook with basic ingredients like flour, oatmeal and even, on occasion, when Daughter #2's hens are producing, free-range eggs. (Haven't talked the Brick into chickens yet. Haven't given up on the idea, either.)
I use baking soda (in the big bags), vinegar and borax for cleaning. (I haven't made my own laundry detergent yet, but am considering it.) Yes, we have a washing machine -- thank God. (Schlepping to the laundromat, or stomping clothes in the bathtub, wine-making style, are not among my happier memories.)
As for recycling -- nearly all of my clothes (upper-end labels, mostly) come from thrift shops and secondhand stores. The Brick follows suit. (And I mean that literally in the wardrobe department.) No peasant blouses, tie-dyeds or granny skirts in the lot. (And yes, I wear a bra.)
Oh, and I can't use Dove soap, because I get a rash from it.
I am not a big fan of hyped-up 'natural' products, either. Most are produced on huge commercial farms that have few bits of true Nature going for them. And the FDA's requirements on 'organic' are loose enough that all sorts of iffy things can wander in. Why should I pay a whole lot extra for products that may not be that different from their fellows on the shelf...except the label?
It seems smart to do what you can as basically as you can. But Snickers bars, dishwashing detergent, Dial soap and freezer meals (with soy -- gasp!!!) have their place, too, in moderation.
I, for one, would not want to do without them.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Friday randomness...sort of
It's a beautiful day -- and the Mama is panic-stricken. The same storm that hit us a few days ago is now slamming the Chicago area, as well as her part of Michigan. (And you too, if you live in that neck of the woods.) She's flying home this afternoon. No matter that the flight is listed as 'on time.' (It's a direct one too, straight from DIA to Grand Rapids...and skipping the worst part of the storm.) She knows that worrying won't change the flight, either...but all I've heard this morning is dither, dither, dither.
Ah well. She could take Maple & Magnolia's approach to dealing with the snow. But then, that's my Mama.
This is the weekend of quilt restoration. Several are in progress, and I Need to Finish Them Up. Time is money, after all. Hopefully you're making progress on your deadlines, too!
Have a great weekend, dithering & all.
Ah well. She could take Maple & Magnolia's approach to dealing with the snow. But then, that's my Mama.
This is the weekend of quilt restoration. Several are in progress, and I Need to Finish Them Up. Time is money, after all. Hopefully you're making progress on your deadlines, too!
Have a great weekend, dithering & all.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
There's a Storm Coming!
My dad used to say this a lot. Since we live up, up, up on a hill, our dining room window looks out about 50 miles, all the way to the Front Range set of mountains, and beyond to Mt. Evans. The backyard looks out on Castle Rock, then way beyond it to Pike's Peak. (If you're wondering how much fun it is to mow this angled yard...don't ask.)
Any storm that's hanging over the mountains? We get to see it gradually moving in, sucking the life out of the scenery as it goes.
And we've got a humdinger brewing tonight.
It's moving in sheets, almost like cake layers separated by a thick veneer of frosting. They're saying only an inch of snow or so...but I think we're going to get nailed. (My aching bones, and the high winds smacking against the windows, are only confirming it.)
Thankfully the Mama, who is still here visiting, and yours truly did our 'running' today. We went and saw both daughters. (Daughter #1 STILL hadn't gotten her Christmas presents...yes, that's how zany it's been around here.) We got some paint, to start painting the basement. And we found a bunch of Valentine's items for 75% off, that I can reuse for piano student and Christmas stocking presents. (Something a highly frugal person would do...take a look here at their seven favorite habits. Or if you prefer, 8 financial behaviors that really piss this blogger off! I'd drive him totally crazy, looking for coupons.)
Hopefully you've had a chance to visit my posts on the Tight Fisted Miser's websites. I was so proud -- my work has been featured in several carnivals this past week, including Yakezie Carnival's Zombie Apocalypse edition! It's a nice feeling. Take a look at Tight Fisted Miser, My Retirement Blog and Investorz Blog, and you'll see me there...
Any storm that's hanging over the mountains? We get to see it gradually moving in, sucking the life out of the scenery as it goes.
And we've got a humdinger brewing tonight.
It's moving in sheets, almost like cake layers separated by a thick veneer of frosting. They're saying only an inch of snow or so...but I think we're going to get nailed. (My aching bones, and the high winds smacking against the windows, are only confirming it.)
Thankfully the Mama, who is still here visiting, and yours truly did our 'running' today. We went and saw both daughters. (Daughter #1 STILL hadn't gotten her Christmas presents...yes, that's how zany it's been around here.) We got some paint, to start painting the basement. And we found a bunch of Valentine's items for 75% off, that I can reuse for piano student and Christmas stocking presents. (Something a highly frugal person would do...take a look here at their seven favorite habits. Or if you prefer, 8 financial behaviors that really piss this blogger off! I'd drive him totally crazy, looking for coupons.)
Hopefully you've had a chance to visit my posts on the Tight Fisted Miser's websites. I was so proud -- my work has been featured in several carnivals this past week, including Yakezie Carnival's Zombie Apocalypse edition! It's a nice feeling. Take a look at Tight Fisted Miser, My Retirement Blog and Investorz Blog, and you'll see me there...
Monday, February 20, 2012
Happy President's Day!
And Happy Birthday to my darling Brick...and many more.
Six presidents who had money troubles? Go here, thanks to Len Penzo.
We've been luxuriating at the hotel in Eagle, CO. (Anywhere that makes my bed and serves a hot breakfast is luxury to me!) Got some snow last night, but it was bearable.Using the crockpot for some of the meals has saved on costs.
We've got plans for the pool and hot tub tonight. Hope you're having a relaxing time, too.
Six presidents who had money troubles? Go here, thanks to Len Penzo.
We've been luxuriating at the hotel in Eagle, CO. (Anywhere that makes my bed and serves a hot breakfast is luxury to me!) Got some snow last night, but it was bearable.Using the crockpot for some of the meals has saved on costs.
We've got plans for the pool and hot tub tonight. Hope you're having a relaxing time, too.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Heart-Shaped Eggs Made Easy!
Have you ever visited any of my other blogs? I actually have several, including a sarcastic one on how the world is going to end in December (thank you, Aztecs!), two blogs that post free items and coupon specials...
and one on holiday cooking. The latest post features an easy way to make hard-boiled eggs heart-shaped! Take a look here. You'll want to try it.
and one on holiday cooking. The latest post features an easy way to make hard-boiled eggs heart-shaped! Take a look here. You'll want to try it.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Weird Update - Tuesday's Stuff/Stuff Post
Remember the weird story about the disappearing mom...and her ex-husband, Josh Powell, who torched his house -- with his kids inside? Powell died inside with his children.
It turns out that wasn't even his house. It was a rental, staged to look like a happy family home, complete with photos.
He didn't even live there -- just used the place when the social workers showed up.
Every development on this story just gets more odd.
It turns out that wasn't even his house. It was a rental, staged to look like a happy family home, complete with photos.
He didn't even live there -- just used the place when the social workers showed up.
Every development on this story just gets more odd.
Stolen Quilt!
Sally Schneider's queen-sized scrap quilt, "Farmer's Daughter," was taken out of its bin, and has disappeared. You can find out more info here. Sally lives in Albuquerque, NM.
If you see this quilt (photo below), contact me, or Sally, via Facebook, as soon as possible!
Thanks for your help. Shame on the person who thought stealing this quilt was such a great idea!
Update: Sally provided more info -- this quilt was being shipped to her publisher in Washington State, along with several others, for use in her newest book. Someone at UPS (or with access) opened the box and took the quilt -- although there were no damage to the others, the box weighed 7 pounds less upon delivery than what it did when Sally shipped it. (In other words, the missing quilt weighed 7 pounds...) Very odd.
If you see this quilt (photo below), contact me, or Sally, via Facebook, as soon as possible!
Thanks for your help. Shame on the person who thought stealing this quilt was such a great idea!
Update: Sally provided more info -- this quilt was being shipped to her publisher in Washington State, along with several others, for use in her newest book. Someone at UPS (or with access) opened the box and took the quilt -- although there were no damage to the others, the box weighed 7 pounds less upon delivery than what it did when Sally shipped it. (In other words, the missing quilt weighed 7 pounds...) Very odd.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
A Shawl Sells For $50,000!
Yes, an early 19th century Kashmir Moon Shawl, setting a record for this type of textile. And guess where the seller found it -- not at the bottom of a trunk of textiles collected by her incredibly erudite grandmother. No, she bought it at a garage sale some thirty years ago because she liked the pattern --
and thought it would make a pretty pillow.
Thank God she didn't cut it up. The beautifully handmade shawl just sold for $50,000 and change. (More than $59,000, including the buyer's premium.)
Read all about it at the Skinner Auctions site. Photos of the shawl, shown below, are from the Skinner site.
Kashmir Moon Shawl -- full shawl (above) plus detail (below)
and thought it would make a pretty pillow.
Thank God she didn't cut it up. The beautifully handmade shawl just sold for $50,000 and change. (More than $59,000, including the buyer's premium.)
Read all about it at the Skinner Auctions site. Photos of the shawl, shown below, are from the Skinner site.
Kashmir Moon Shawl -- full shawl (above) plus detail (below)
Monday, February 13, 2012
Yours Truly's In the Carnival of Retirement!
Whoo of my entries, on how much you should save for retirement, got picked up by the Carnival of Retirement! Take a look here; there are a number of interesting posts, including one on money hoarding.
Should You Allow Your Teenager to Have Sex At Home?
With our daughters in their twenties, this is no longer an issue -- they're old enough to decide.
But a parent actually encouraging their daughter/son to 'do it' at home, because that's safer and more pleasurable?
Yep. Read the Huffington Post article here.
Thankfully, I'm not the only one who thinks this is totally nuts. Not to mention an open invitation to raise the grandchild that results from this new 'freedom.'
But a parent actually encouraging their daughter/son to 'do it' at home, because that's safer and more pleasurable?
Yep. Read the Huffington Post article here.
Thankfully, I'm not the only one who thinks this is totally nuts. Not to mention an open invitation to raise the grandchild that results from this new 'freedom.'
Monday's Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff
It's a gray day. The clouds are glowering over the mountains, wrapping them up in a thick batt. Snow? Maybe. Or just gray skies...unusual for us here in Colorado. I'm used to blue skies and sunshine pouring through the window.
No matter. I've got things to do. So do you. Let's get on with the Interesting Stuff:
*Get a free box of Quaker Oat Squares. Free is good! It may not last jump on this quickly.
*Or buy your sweetie a Caribou Coffee -- it's BOGO on Feb. 14.
*Last-minute Valentine crafts here -- five pages worth-- and some strategies, if you'd rather not whip up a paper heart or two.
*Looks like Whitney Houston died from drugs, not drowning. Ya think?!? What an incredibly sad ending to a talented person. Her song, "I Will Always Love You," gives me chills.
*Ruth Madoff's been spotted in New York. Those Who Know think she's probably staying at son Andrew's place. (I couldn't find any direct links on this, only comments from people who had spotted her there.) Ruth was living in Florida for a while...but not at her palatial residence, shared with husband Bernie. That's been sold, to try to pay off some of the billions of dollars owed to people he flimflammed.
I've been researching Bernie Madoff and his scam for a post I'm writing for my other job, at TightFisted Miser. Publicly, he's been repentant (sort of); privately, he's bragging about billions of dollars he hid away before getting busted. And his best friends are Jonathan Pollard, a convicted spy, and a Mafia don. Go figure.
The saddest item in this whole sordid story is not Bernie and his family -- but the many people, more than 13,000 of them, whose life savings he stole. Some of those victims are writers...and their books are the subject of my upcoming post. One person's take on the subject is here. After two-plus years, the victims are finally getting paid a little of what they invested...but attorneys' fees and Bernie made most of it disappear.
*Could a Siberian woolly mammoth still exist in Russia? The engineer who taped this says it does:
*Dave of 'Storage Wars' shares his biggest regrets -- and best buys. This series on A&E, about those who bid on storage units (and what they find), is surprisingly entertaining. The concept's a little silly, but the stories are fascinating. Good for research.
*MysteryGuitarMan's latest:
*An interesting new frugal blog. Preserving Pennies covers everything from mortgages to saving on baby food, and does it in an interesting "friend, I'm telling you about this" manner. Well worth reading.
*The Piano Man -- our friend Mark, a bass player, raves about Victor Wainwright's Youtube videos. The filming is crappy, but the music is incredible, especially if you like jazz and the blues. Here's Victor's take on Half-Ton Boogie Woogie:
Enjoy. Hopefully it's sunny, wherever you are.
No matter. I've got things to do. So do you. Let's get on with the Interesting Stuff:
*Get a free box of Quaker Oat Squares. Free is good! It may not last jump on this quickly.
*Or buy your sweetie a Caribou Coffee -- it's BOGO on Feb. 14.
*Last-minute Valentine crafts here -- five pages worth-- and some strategies, if you'd rather not whip up a paper heart or two.
*Looks like Whitney Houston died from drugs, not drowning. Ya think?!? What an incredibly sad ending to a talented person. Her song, "I Will Always Love You," gives me chills.
*Ruth Madoff's been spotted in New York. Those Who Know think she's probably staying at son Andrew's place. (I couldn't find any direct links on this, only comments from people who had spotted her there.) Ruth was living in Florida for a while...but not at her palatial residence, shared with husband Bernie. That's been sold, to try to pay off some of the billions of dollars owed to people he flimflammed.
I've been researching Bernie Madoff and his scam for a post I'm writing for my other job, at TightFisted Miser. Publicly, he's been repentant (sort of); privately, he's bragging about billions of dollars he hid away before getting busted. And his best friends are Jonathan Pollard, a convicted spy, and a Mafia don. Go figure.
The saddest item in this whole sordid story is not Bernie and his family -- but the many people, more than 13,000 of them, whose life savings he stole. Some of those victims are writers...and their books are the subject of my upcoming post. One person's take on the subject is here. After two-plus years, the victims are finally getting paid a little of what they invested...but attorneys' fees and Bernie made most of it disappear.
*Could a Siberian woolly mammoth still exist in Russia? The engineer who taped this says it does:
*Dave of 'Storage Wars' shares his biggest regrets -- and best buys. This series on A&E, about those who bid on storage units (and what they find), is surprisingly entertaining. The concept's a little silly, but the stories are fascinating. Good for research.
*MysteryGuitarMan's latest:
*An interesting new frugal blog. Preserving Pennies covers everything from mortgages to saving on baby food, and does it in an interesting "friend, I'm telling you about this" manner. Well worth reading.
*The Piano Man -- our friend Mark, a bass player, raves about Victor Wainwright's Youtube videos. The filming is crappy, but the music is incredible, especially if you like jazz and the blues. Here's Victor's take on Half-Ton Boogie Woogie:
Enjoy. Hopefully it's sunny, wherever you are.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Valentines, Part II
I haven't stopped thinking about Valentine possibilities yet, and today's post on Get Rich Slowly fanned the flames a bit.
The Brick suggested going out to eat. But every single time we've hit a restaurant on Valentine's Day, we've had to beat off the crowds. And the Mama will be with us -- not exactly a romantic occasion. So it's back to planning dinner by the fireplace: lobster ($4.85/pound, stashed in the freezer), jumbo shrimp ($6.99/pound, also on sale), wild rice and veggies, and the deepest, chocolaty-est tart I can make.
Plus a goofy, lacy heart full of chocolates.
Besides, the Denver, CO area has this incredible promotion on 'Restaurant Week' (Feb. 25-March 9): $52.80 for a multi-course meal for two, at any number of gourmet places that normally go for much, more more than that. Hmmm. A romantic meal for less? That hits the spot.
The Brick suggested going out to eat. But every single time we've hit a restaurant on Valentine's Day, we've had to beat off the crowds. And the Mama will be with us -- not exactly a romantic occasion. So it's back to planning dinner by the fireplace: lobster ($4.85/pound, stashed in the freezer), jumbo shrimp ($6.99/pound, also on sale), wild rice and veggies, and the deepest, chocolaty-est tart I can make.
Plus a goofy, lacy heart full of chocolates.
Besides, the Denver, CO area has this incredible promotion on 'Restaurant Week' (Feb. 25-March 9): $52.80 for a multi-course meal for two, at any number of gourmet places that normally go for much, more more than that. Hmmm. A romantic meal for less? That hits the spot.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Frugal Thoughts for Romantics..and 'Hiyo, Silver!'
It's the loveliest, sunshiny-est day, and would make you think spring's coming -- except there's a thick blanket of snow still piled up, and storm clouds are hanging over the mountains. They're supposed to make their debut tonight or tomorrow -- what a way to start the weekend!
I've mentioned before that I regularly write posts for Andy Hough, whose websites include Tight Fisted, InvestorzBlog, and My Retirement Blog. Today, you'll find me suggesting elegant (but frugal) ways to say you care on TFM, and advocating investing in silver on the Investorz Blog. The silver post will be part of an ongoing series called "Investing On A Shoestring." I plan to mention lots of ways to increase your investments, including books, art...even textiles! Keep an eye out at Andy's site for upcoming posts, as well as his -- he's got some good advice.
Meanwhile, I've been brainstorming for something special for the Brick who, Lord love him, stashes an engineer's heart right behind his pen-in-the-shirt- pocket. (If he wears a sweatshirt or t-shirt, it's clipped to the collar.) You can take the man out of engineering (he's currently a trainer for schoolbus drivers), but you can't take the engineering out of the man. He's a wonderful guy, and a terrific husband, but most of my attempts at Romantic Gestures have been greeted with a snort and a raised eyebrow.
Nonetheless, I make the effort -- supper on the coffee table by the fire, a mushy movie (I cry, he isn't sure what to do). And sometimes I even buy him flowers. What, surprisingly, is hardest for me? To put my feelings into words on paper. I make much of my living by writing...but somehow, it's difficult for me to write my deepest feelings down. Doesn't make sense.
So here, David, this is for you:
a bouquet of love and soft kisses for my dearest Valentine.
Now, come collect!
I've mentioned before that I regularly write posts for Andy Hough, whose websites include Tight Fisted, InvestorzBlog, and My Retirement Blog. Today, you'll find me suggesting elegant (but frugal) ways to say you care on TFM, and advocating investing in silver on the Investorz Blog. The silver post will be part of an ongoing series called "Investing On A Shoestring." I plan to mention lots of ways to increase your investments, including books, art...even textiles! Keep an eye out at Andy's site for upcoming posts, as well as his -- he's got some good advice.
Meanwhile, I've been brainstorming for something special for the Brick who, Lord love him, stashes an engineer's heart right behind his pen-in-the-shirt- pocket. (If he wears a sweatshirt or t-shirt, it's clipped to the collar.) You can take the man out of engineering (he's currently a trainer for schoolbus drivers), but you can't take the engineering out of the man. He's a wonderful guy, and a terrific husband, but most of my attempts at Romantic Gestures have been greeted with a snort and a raised eyebrow.
Nonetheless, I make the effort -- supper on the coffee table by the fire, a mushy movie (I cry, he isn't sure what to do). And sometimes I even buy him flowers. What, surprisingly, is hardest for me? To put my feelings into words on paper. I make much of my living by writing...but somehow, it's difficult for me to write my deepest feelings down. Doesn't make sense.
So here, David, this is for you:
a bouquet of love and soft kisses for my dearest Valentine.
Now, come collect!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Getting Things Done
It's going to be a beautiful day around here, with a few days respite before the next snow. I plan to spend it getting some restoration jobs done, and maybe cleaning up a pile or two. (The stairs are getting mighty crowded with boxes to go down in the basement.) Maybe I can actually cross some items off the to-do list!
Meantime, here are three odd things to consider:
*A Florida woman is currently suing her lender, JPMorgan Chase, after the bank mistakenly declared her deceased in 2010, which she claimed ruined her credit score.(Guess the whole dead thing didn't bother her as much as her credit.)
*The woman who really was dead -- but no one noticed for three years. And when they found her body, the television was still on. This is a long story, but worth trudging through.
*The discoverers of a sunken Spanish galleon are being forced to ship all the coins they found back to Spain. As in $500 million in silver and gold. The Supreme Court is getting ready to decide whether Spain can even claim a part of the treasure, but a judge ruled they had to go there, nonetheless. The divers, however, are skeptical whether they'll get any of their hard-earned money back. (I don't blame them.)
Meantime, here are three odd things to consider:
*A Florida woman is currently suing her lender, JPMorgan Chase, after the bank mistakenly declared her deceased in 2010, which she claimed ruined her credit score.(Guess the whole dead thing didn't bother her as much as her credit.)
*The woman who really was dead -- but no one noticed for three years. And when they found her body, the television was still on. This is a long story, but worth trudging through.
*The discoverers of a sunken Spanish galleon are being forced to ship all the coins they found back to Spain. As in $500 million in silver and gold. The Supreme Court is getting ready to decide whether Spain can even claim a part of the treasure, but a judge ruled they had to go there, nonetheless. The divers, however, are skeptical whether they'll get any of their hard-earned money back. (I don't blame them.)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Happy Birthday, Charley!
I'm a day late, but it's well-meant...
Well-wishers in Great Britain and elsewhere celebrated the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens' birth yesterday, with parties and services and all sorts of pomp and circumstance.
Which, being a private man, he would have absolutely hated.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Dickens. You and your books changed my life.
Well-wishers in Great Britain and elsewhere celebrated the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens' birth yesterday, with parties and services and all sorts of pomp and circumstance.
Which, being a private man, he would have absolutely hated.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Dickens. You and your books changed my life.
'Collecting' -- Or Something Else
I just closed the covers on one of the most maddening books I've ever read: The Man Who Loved Books Too Much by Allison Hoover Bartlett. It's the profile of John Charles Gilkey, a guy who 'purchased' more than $100,000 of rare books, using stolen credit cards.
Gilkey was eventually caught, but only served a few years before he was back out on the streets, doing his thing. While writing the book, Bartlett met with him on many occasions, several times accompanying him on hunting expeditions to see how he did it. But "stealing??" He wasn't doing that -- he was 'collecting.' (Not to mention getting revenge on booksellers he disliked -- because they'd caught him -- or just The System.)
The book isn't just Gilkey's story, but an overview of valuable books stolen, many which have never been recovered. (Or if the thief was caught, charges were never pressed.) Many times, the thief's guilt is explained away (or at least assuaged) by saying, 'Well, they loved books and couldn't afford the best ones.' Or... 'They were basically honest, but tempted too much by working with valuable pieces.' (One wonders whether Barry Landau, a "presidential expert" recently convicted for swiping all sorts of historical memorabilia, used this defense.)
Thankfully, Gilkey will be looking at a trip back to the slammer soon -- he was just caught stealing two old maps last December, from a collector who didn't hesitate to press charges. (Gilkey's photo is here as well, for the aid of sellers and bookstores. No doubt, if he's posted bail, he's out there, looking for good stuff to defray the costs of a lawyer. All part of the game.)
Gilkey's laissez-faire attitude and cheerful superiority bothered me. (His escapades are catalogued here in shorter form, by Ken Sanders, the man who helped catch him.) The resigned attitude of the booksellers, libraries and institutions who had things stolen -- yet refused to publicize their losses, or even worse, let the thief get away with it. Their attitudes drove me absolutely nuts.
The Island of Lost Maps by Miles Harvey catalogs this educated indifference, but from the world of maps -- and another thief, Gilbert Bland, who got away with it. ( I mentioned this terrific book in a previous post.)
But what bothered me most was the attitude of the author, Allison Hoover Bartlett. What, someone gives you a very old book that you know was stolen from a library, to hold onto for a while? Does she feel guilty, ambivalent about it? Sure...but it only seems to add to the fascination. In fact, this ancient copy of the Krautterbuch is still on Bartlett's desk, three years later.
Her attitude about Gilkey is equally nauseating. He shows her a first edition of a library book he's obviously planning to steal -- she dithers about it, but doesn't do a thing. He gives her useful hints about other books he's stolen (or is planning to), other places they're stored -- she mentions them in the book, feels guilty, dithers some more, consults a lawyer...and does nothing about it. Sure, that information is in print now. But now is too late.
I wonder...if Gilkey had filched from her beloved shelf of books, would her attitude have been any different?
By the time I finished the last page of The Man Who Loved Books Too Much, I didn't know whether to cheer, weep...or go take a bath to wash off the slime.
I love books, too. In fact, I love old things in general -- and the more rare and unusual they are, the more I'm intrigued. But taking things without paying for them? Helping yourself to items that are not yours?
that's S-T-E-A-L-I-N-G.
And if you know, and don't do a thing about it, you're helping. (It's called being an accessory, Allison.)
No ifs, ands or buts.
Gilkey was eventually caught, but only served a few years before he was back out on the streets, doing his thing. While writing the book, Bartlett met with him on many occasions, several times accompanying him on hunting expeditions to see how he did it. But "stealing??" He wasn't doing that -- he was 'collecting.' (Not to mention getting revenge on booksellers he disliked -- because they'd caught him -- or just The System.)
The book isn't just Gilkey's story, but an overview of valuable books stolen, many which have never been recovered. (Or if the thief was caught, charges were never pressed.) Many times, the thief's guilt is explained away (or at least assuaged) by saying, 'Well, they loved books and couldn't afford the best ones.' Or... 'They were basically honest, but tempted too much by working with valuable pieces.' (One wonders whether Barry Landau, a "presidential expert" recently convicted for swiping all sorts of historical memorabilia, used this defense.)
Thankfully, Gilkey will be looking at a trip back to the slammer soon -- he was just caught stealing two old maps last December, from a collector who didn't hesitate to press charges. (Gilkey's photo is here as well, for the aid of sellers and bookstores. No doubt, if he's posted bail, he's out there, looking for good stuff to defray the costs of a lawyer. All part of the game.)
Gilkey's laissez-faire attitude and cheerful superiority bothered me. (His escapades are catalogued here in shorter form, by Ken Sanders, the man who helped catch him.) The resigned attitude of the booksellers, libraries and institutions who had things stolen -- yet refused to publicize their losses, or even worse, let the thief get away with it. Their attitudes drove me absolutely nuts.
The Island of Lost Maps by Miles Harvey catalogs this educated indifference, but from the world of maps -- and another thief, Gilbert Bland, who got away with it. ( I mentioned this terrific book in a previous post.)
But what bothered me most was the attitude of the author, Allison Hoover Bartlett. What, someone gives you a very old book that you know was stolen from a library, to hold onto for a while? Does she feel guilty, ambivalent about it? Sure...but it only seems to add to the fascination. In fact, this ancient copy of the Krautterbuch is still on Bartlett's desk, three years later.
Her attitude about Gilkey is equally nauseating. He shows her a first edition of a library book he's obviously planning to steal -- she dithers about it, but doesn't do a thing. He gives her useful hints about other books he's stolen (or is planning to), other places they're stored -- she mentions them in the book, feels guilty, dithers some more, consults a lawyer...and does nothing about it. Sure, that information is in print now. But now is too late.
I wonder...if Gilkey had filched from her beloved shelf of books, would her attitude have been any different?
By the time I finished the last page of The Man Who Loved Books Too Much, I didn't know whether to cheer, weep...or go take a bath to wash off the slime.
I love books, too. In fact, I love old things in general -- and the more rare and unusual they are, the more I'm intrigued. But taking things without paying for them? Helping yourself to items that are not yours?
that's S-T-E-A-L-I-N-G.
And if you know, and don't do a thing about it, you're helping. (It's called being an accessory, Allison.)
No ifs, ands or buts.
Multiple Lives...Lived
If you're curious about all sorts of people, famous or infamous, try . It has the most amazing lists, including people who were murdered, You'll be surprised at this batch, which has several unusual inclusions, like Joy Adamson of "Born Free" fame -- killed by a disgruntled employee.
The lists are nearly endless, including saints, jazz and blues singers...even celebrity ghost stories!
Don't expect to spend just a few minutes on this site, though; you can wander around forever, reading profiles and wondering.
The lists are nearly endless, including saints, jazz and blues singers...even celebrity ghost stories!
Don't expect to spend just a few minutes on this site, though; you can wander around forever, reading profiles and wondering.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Super Bowl? What Super Bowl?
Fine. I'll admit it. I do know that the Patriots and the Giants are up for today's slugfest in Super Bowl XLVI. The thing is: if you live west of the Mississippi (and/or root for the Broncos, as is our case), do you really care? (Len Penzo's Magic 8-Ball predicts the Pats are going to win...we'll see.)
The side stuff is fun. Like parties...we're headed to one this afternoon. Last year, people talked, with occasional cheering and booing, until the commercials -- then everyone, men and women, stopped to listen. Like this Jerry Seinfeld Acura commercial. (Jay Leno makes a surprise appearance at the very end!)
The side stuff is fun. Like parties...we're headed to one this afternoon. Last year, people talked, with occasional cheering and booing, until the commercials -- then everyone, men and women, stopped to listen. Like this Jerry Seinfeld Acura commercial. (Jay Leno makes a surprise appearance at the very end!)
And an even funnier one, thanks to Chevy Volt, and unexpected visitors:
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Five Ways to Beat The Doldrums
The skies are a heavy, brooding gray. Forecast here in Colorado: 8-12 inches of snow, starting tonight.
It's easy to get discouraged, about this time. The old year is past. (Did you do everything you'd planned? Ha.) The new year has progressed enough to fail at something. And gray skies are the norm, more than the exception.
Time for strategies to beat the winter doldrums.
*Light something. Regular exposure to 'natural' light, via lamps, is a time-honored therapy for depression, SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and a host of other mental issues. Light therapy can be implemented with specialty lamps, some which are reputed to help clear up wrinkles and acne, as well. Crafters swear by Ott Lites, which come in every size from desk to floor lamp.
There's an easier way to get a dose of light therapy: spend some time out in the sunlight. It stimulates the production of red and white blood cells, gives you a healthy of dose of Vitamin D...and the UV rays in sunlight are a natural antiseptic, fighting viruses, bacteria...yes, even skin breakouts!
Or light a scented candle, which brings us to the next point:
*Smell something. A study done in England suggests our brains "fire up"at the first whiff of cinnamon, giving us pleasant memories of cooking, apple cider and home. (The study also suggests cinnamon's odor also makes us willing to spend more money -- retailers like Trader Joe's displayed cinnamon-scented brooms at their store entrances during the holidays for just this reason!)
Some herbs, like lavender and chamomile, are a calming influence. Try them in a scented pillow, or just spray some lavender-scented freshener in your bedroom, for a peaceful sleep.
*Plan something. Take a trip -- or research a destination. (The sunnier, the better.) Redo your living room, or update your kitchen or bathroom. (Websites like the Nester, Thrifty Decor Chick and Funky Junk Interiors will help you do it with minimum cost -- often without spending a cent.) Many gardeners use this period to figure their garden space, and order seeds. Ask friends over for a Super Bowl party, or just coffee and a snack.
*Write something. Start a journal. What, you're not the literary type? Write a quick note or two to your favorite people. Tell them how much they mean to you. (They'll be thrilled.)
Or use your writing skills to:
*Save something. Start a regular savings plan, even if it means putting a fiver or your loose change in a mason jar every weekend. Get copies of your auto and/or homeowner's policies, and request some quotes. (One of our local insurance companies is offering $10 gift cards, just for letting them do this!) Save even more by joining Swagbucks, which pays you with 'Swagbucks' for requesting quotes -- as well as chances to accumulate more while doing your regular work. (Join by using the Swidget at right.) In a typical month, you could easily earn $5, $10 or more in Amazon and other gift cards.
And really...spring is not that far away.
It's easy to get discouraged, about this time. The old year is past. (Did you do everything you'd planned? Ha.) The new year has progressed enough to fail at something. And gray skies are the norm, more than the exception.
Time for strategies to beat the winter doldrums.
*Light something. Regular exposure to 'natural' light, via lamps, is a time-honored therapy for depression, SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and a host of other mental issues. Light therapy can be implemented with specialty lamps, some which are reputed to help clear up wrinkles and acne, as well. Crafters swear by Ott Lites, which come in every size from desk to floor lamp.
There's an easier way to get a dose of light therapy: spend some time out in the sunlight. It stimulates the production of red and white blood cells, gives you a healthy of dose of Vitamin D...and the UV rays in sunlight are a natural antiseptic, fighting viruses, bacteria...yes, even skin breakouts!
Or light a scented candle, which brings us to the next point:
*Smell something. A study done in England suggests our brains "fire up"at the first whiff of cinnamon, giving us pleasant memories of cooking, apple cider and home. (The study also suggests cinnamon's odor also makes us willing to spend more money -- retailers like Trader Joe's displayed cinnamon-scented brooms at their store entrances during the holidays for just this reason!)
Some herbs, like lavender and chamomile, are a calming influence. Try them in a scented pillow, or just spray some lavender-scented freshener in your bedroom, for a peaceful sleep.
*Plan something. Take a trip -- or research a destination. (The sunnier, the better.) Redo your living room, or update your kitchen or bathroom. (Websites like the Nester, Thrifty Decor Chick and Funky Junk Interiors will help you do it with minimum cost -- often without spending a cent.) Many gardeners use this period to figure their garden space, and order seeds. Ask friends over for a Super Bowl party, or just coffee and a snack.
*Write something. Start a journal. What, you're not the literary type? Write a quick note or two to your favorite people. Tell them how much they mean to you. (They'll be thrilled.)
Or use your writing skills to:
*Save something. Start a regular savings plan, even if it means putting a fiver or your loose change in a mason jar every weekend. Get copies of your auto and/or homeowner's policies, and request some quotes. (One of our local insurance companies is offering $10 gift cards, just for letting them do this!) Save even more by joining Swagbucks, which pays you with 'Swagbucks' for requesting quotes -- as well as chances to accumulate more while doing your regular work. (Join by using the Swidget at right.) In a typical month, you could easily earn $5, $10 or more in Amazon and other gift cards.
And really...spring is not that far away.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
More Appraising Stories
I was surprised...and see your interest in my opinions as an appraiser.
I take this work very seriously. Very seriously. It means a lot of study and research, recertifying periodically, and continuing to take classes. The vocabulary can be mind-numbing, and the classes tough to stay awake in at times. But the research...that's fun!
I just bumbled across yet another cautionary appraiser story, in The Island of Lost Maps by Miles Harvey. If you haven't read this one yet, you should. It's a zippity look at rare books, libraries, and cartography -- and a map thief, Gilbert Bland, who plied his trade for decades.
Bland's modus operandi: visit a rare book room at a university or government group. Have them bring an atlas for you to 'study.' Wait until their back is turned, ply your razor blade - and in a moment, the map is safely folded and hidden inside your shirt. Make it out the front door, and you've got a resource to hoard for yourself, or sell for big bucks. (In fact, one of the dealers Harvey interviewed called the faint traces on maps "library folds," and implied this happens a lot more than is reported.)
Bland got caught, all right, but served a minimal sentence. And it seems he is suspected of stealing far more than he was ever prosecuted for. As recently as 2008, he's been apparently selling on Ebay, though it's lower-end stuff. (In other words, be careful what you're purchasing there. Ask for credentials and background, if you have any uneasiness.)
The Island of Lost Maps is a cross between history, travel and treasure hunting, all chased down at a fast pace. Of special fun, if you're a bibliophile of any kind. Anyways, Harvey mentions an interesting story:
In 1996, a dealer, Graham Arader (a fascinating, though controversial, man in his own right), purchased, for $8,000, a map thought to be the earliest depiction of Houston. He had it restored, then put it up for sale for $98,000. (Yow -- but only one other copy is extant, a later version, kept at the Houston Public Library.)
Soon after, he was sued by a man named John Fox, who claimed that his sister-in-law brought the map to Arader...but only to have it appraised. SIL wasn't even the rightful owner. Fox won the suit -- Arader agreed to return the map, plus pay court costs.
Here's where it gets stranger. Fox didn't own the map, either.
Employees at the Houston Title company started to wonder whether their early map of Houston, which had disappeared some years previous, had anything to do with Fox's map. (Fox had been employed at Houston Title.)
Eventually the map was quietly returned. Fox, who claimed he'd purchased it, was let go. No charges. All of which infuriated Arader, who said his part in this affair was totally innocent.
I just hope the Houston Public Library has good security.
I take this work very seriously. Very seriously. It means a lot of study and research, recertifying periodically, and continuing to take classes. The vocabulary can be mind-numbing, and the classes tough to stay awake in at times. But the research...that's fun!
I just bumbled across yet another cautionary appraiser story, in The Island of Lost Maps by Miles Harvey. If you haven't read this one yet, you should. It's a zippity look at rare books, libraries, and cartography -- and a map thief, Gilbert Bland, who plied his trade for decades.
Bland's modus operandi: visit a rare book room at a university or government group. Have them bring an atlas for you to 'study.' Wait until their back is turned, ply your razor blade - and in a moment, the map is safely folded and hidden inside your shirt. Make it out the front door, and you've got a resource to hoard for yourself, or sell for big bucks. (In fact, one of the dealers Harvey interviewed called the faint traces on maps "library folds," and implied this happens a lot more than is reported.)
Bland got caught, all right, but served a minimal sentence. And it seems he is suspected of stealing far more than he was ever prosecuted for. As recently as 2008, he's been apparently selling on Ebay, though it's lower-end stuff. (In other words, be careful what you're purchasing there. Ask for credentials and background, if you have any uneasiness.)
The Island of Lost Maps is a cross between history, travel and treasure hunting, all chased down at a fast pace. Of special fun, if you're a bibliophile of any kind. Anyways, Harvey mentions an interesting story:
In 1996, a dealer, Graham Arader (a fascinating, though controversial, man in his own right), purchased, for $8,000, a map thought to be the earliest depiction of Houston. He had it restored, then put it up for sale for $98,000. (Yow -- but only one other copy is extant, a later version, kept at the Houston Public Library.)
Soon after, he was sued by a man named John Fox, who claimed that his sister-in-law brought the map to Arader...but only to have it appraised. SIL wasn't even the rightful owner. Fox won the suit -- Arader agreed to return the map, plus pay court costs.
Here's where it gets stranger. Fox didn't own the map, either.
Employees at the Houston Title company started to wonder whether their early map of Houston, which had disappeared some years previous, had anything to do with Fox's map. (Fox had been employed at Houston Title.)
Eventually the map was quietly returned. Fox, who claimed he'd purchased it, was let go. No charges. All of which infuriated Arader, who said his part in this affair was totally innocent.
I just hope the Houston Public Library has good security.
Oh, For A Knight in Shining Armor...
Fred Goodwin's lost his knighthood.
The former head of the Royal Bank of Scotland goofed up -- bigtime. The bank's in trouble. Goodwin retired quickly. (And got his 600,000 pound-plus pension cut in half. Poor guy.)
And now, thanks to the brouhaha from customers and deposit-holders, Her Majesty decided to take his knighthood back.
He joins a small list of other 'formers,' including a race car driver, Anthony Blunt (a well-known art historian and distant relative of the Queen, who just happened to be spying for Russia), a former world boxing champion... and the president of Zimbabwe. All had royal honors stripped away for untoward actions.
Makes you wonder what Her Highness would do to Newt Gingrich, Joe Nacchio, Rod Blagojevich or Bill Clinton, if only she could get her royal hands on them.
The former head of the Royal Bank of Scotland goofed up -- bigtime. The bank's in trouble. Goodwin retired quickly. (And got his 600,000 pound-plus pension cut in half. Poor guy.)
And now, thanks to the brouhaha from customers and deposit-holders, Her Majesty decided to take his knighthood back.
He joins a small list of other 'formers,' including a race car driver, Anthony Blunt (a well-known art historian and distant relative of the Queen, who just happened to be spying for Russia), a former world boxing champion... and the president of Zimbabwe. All had royal honors stripped away for untoward actions.
Makes you wonder what Her Highness would do to Newt Gingrich, Joe Nacchio, Rod Blagojevich or Bill Clinton, if only she could get her royal hands on them.
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Ruby Is Gone
She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...

I really don't understand this. But from Julie Silber's FB page, here's the mention of Laura Shaw's quilt-- Following CENSO...
What a July -- a huge amount of credit card bills, thanks to truck repairs and the letters . Hot weather: on one trip north, we experience...
I loved this cheerful, engaging quilt when it first was publicized in 1994. Jonathan Shannon used a two-pronged approach: it celebrate...