Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff...

Oh, all right. Things are better than that...

Remember the Suffragette Quilt that I was taking guesses on? The final sale figure, not counting the buyer's premium, was... (drum roll please)


I honestly thought it would come in closer to $5,000. My appraiser buddy estimated above that, at about $7,000. This is a nice little bump in what political/patriotic antique quilts have been going for lately...hopefully it's also a sign that antique textiles are going to go back in value to what they were (and should have stayed all along).
    In honor of those brave souls who guessed, you ALL get a free copy of Hanky Panky!  (Sure, you low-balled...but then again, so did I.) Just e-mail me at with your address, so I can get your book in the mail. (You have until Saturday night, March 10, to do so.)
      And thank you for entering.

For some odd reason, a lot of what I wanted to show you today was in video form. So here we go...

 Michigan won the Big Ten Championship in college basketball. All I can say is...GO BLUE!

After all, you can take the girl out of Michigan (1984 for me)...but you can't take the Michigan out of the girl.

Pinterest: have you tried this fascinating online bulletin board site? You can 'pin' anything on a series of boards you design and choose for...or copy others...or just wander around. There are bulletin boards on any numbers of subjects, including cooking, gardening and inspirational (or silly) quotes. 
    You can see yours truly's boards here on the Pinterest site. This photo went on my "Inspiration - Especially Color" board. Something about that wonderful mix of orange and pink -- normally, I don't care for either shade, but mixed together, they're dynamite. Must translate this into fabric...

From the "Be careful what you wish for -- because you may just get it" department:  A guy tries to set a world record for being buried alive. He's still setting it...oops, maybe not.

And Rush Limbaugh makes a fool out of himself. Again. (The sad part is that I actually agree with his basic stance. I'm not against contraception. I just think people should buy their own, instead of making the state or insurance companies do it for them.)
     Pat Robberson comes in a close second, with his comments that the tornadoes of last week occurred because of lack of prayer. Pat, do you honestly want to play God? This is dangerous, you know. (See the previous department...)

Have yourself a great Monday. And drink some coffee -- quick.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...