Friday, December 14, 2012

Can't Believe It...

Our hearts are breaking tonight.

Husband works for Douglas County Schools here in Colorado. He came home with tears in his eyes, over the kids and educators killed in Newtown, Connecticut. 

I had the same tears, listening to this interview, of the teacher next door who managed to save her class by cramming them in the bathroom, pulling a bookcase across the door, and turning out the lights. She and the kids were eventually rescued by police.

Brave woman, Kaitlin Roig. Terrified...but isn't that what true bravery contains?

Husband confessed he'd been thinking about our own girls, as well. How in the world can you protect kids from such savagery as this?

I don't understand. How can someone think it ok to just start shooting...and kill your own mom, as well as yourself.

Full article is here -- what little they know, so far.


NMSue said...

There are going to be numerous discussions on how to stop these senseless types of mass murders. The bottomline is that these people are mentally ill. There are many types of mental illnesses and disorders. Most of the time, the families of these people go through hell trying to obtain help. I know a family whose son developed a severe chemical imbalance in his early 20s. He has threatened to kill his parents and been in jail. His medications are expensive for his parents. And, he often refuses to take them. This man's family have been trying through our State and with local authorities to obtain help for him. Compounding the problem is that he is theoretically an adult but he is far from being able to live among society. The issue of mental illness needs more attention.

Cindy Brick said...

You've pointed out one of the major struggles here, Sue -- that we live in a free country, and you can't force someone of age to do what may well be for their own good.
I don't know the answer here. I do know, however, that if one person at that school had a concealed weapon permit, and was using it, this boy could have been stopped more quickly. I admire the bravery of the principal and school psychologist who tried to stop him, regardless -- and paid for it with their lives.
Thanks so much for writing.

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