Sunday, December 2, 2012

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Christmas Decorating

 It's Monday you know where your Mama is?
     Mine has been having fun putting dusty paper chains (made by Little Brother and yours truly several decades ago) on her Christmas tree. They look awful, but when I protested, she said, "It's my house." And she's right.
     I'll wince some more when she puts the dirty white tissue paper wreath on the back door. I'd make another one for her, but she already told me that if I do, she'll just hang both. 
     While I'm fighting down my gag reflex, you might enjoy this gleaning of stuff from the Internet.

Top Ten Money-Saving Tips...learned from a grumpy father-in-law.  Basic ones that make sense -- like concentrating on the expensive proteins at an all-you-can-eat buffet, and leaving the potatoes and other starches alone. Good stuff here. (Thanks, L Bee and the Money Tree.)

Firefighters need a little help pulling out a downed tree...and a dog obliges! He actually belongs to one of the Dutch volunteer firefighters who came on the scene. (Our Charley would do the same thing.)

Starting with the Food Stamp (SNAP) Challenge...ending with great healthy food for $100 a month. Including some excellent basic recipes!

A guy who had the chutzpah to ask if he could crash at Warren Buffett's. Warren said yes! (Thanks to Len Penzo for pointing this one out.) 

8 quilting calculators, all in one helpful app -- co-sponsored by Robert Kaufman and Quilters Paradise. Don't write me if you can't figure this one out -- the Brick has an iPad, but I haven't gone there yet. A cousin, knowing my predilection for All Things Quilt, sent this.

Creating a seamless-design fabric print...thanks to Spoonflower. You can use these tips to design your own fabric, or just use the ideas for a new quilt design.

Hurricane Sandy news bloopers -- it's ok, you can go ahead and laugh.

And from Midlife Finance, another site I write for:
     Gifting through the holidays
     Ten travel tips for getting there and back safely

Have a good week.  And please, throw away those grubby made-by-kids-hands decorations! Except mine, of course...I intend on keeping the girlies' projects forever. 

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