Sunday, March 24, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Easter Parade

One of the Christian's most affirming holidays is just a week away -- Easter. Celebrating this day just reminds me all over again why I believe in God's Son. 
    It also means bunnies, chicks (all symbols of the Resurrection)...and of course, eggs!
Before then, though, I've got paperwork, some appraising, two quilts to bind (for use during taping an episode for QuiltersTV next week - news coming on that), and a dating/restoration class here at the home studio all day Saturday. It's going to be a busy week. 
     Our daffodils are still there, I assume -- not that I can see them at present under the foot-or-so of snow that stopped falling. Soon it will warm up, and this blizzard will only be a wet memory. 

Wonderful soups...from 101 Cookbooks.

A beautiful Easter Egg from Frugal Upstate.

It's All Connected ponders how a chicken ended up in her bathtub...and other weighty matters. (I've had weeks like this, particularly lately.)

Hamburger Pie, from Stacy Makes Cents. Easy to do, you can substitute items like crazy -- and it still is delicious. (Although cottage cheese for a topping sounds weirder than it tastes. Think lasagne.)

A woman buys a mansion, planning to turn it into a B&B, and discovers 10 cases of pre-Prohibition whiskey hidden inside the walls. Her caretaker helps her keep the cases dusted...and does some dusting of his own! After he leaves, 4 cases are found empty. The bill? $100,000 appraised value, for 52 emptied bottles. The caretaker denied it, saying the liquid must have just evaporated, but his DNA was found on the mouth of at least three bottles. Moral of the story: your spit will give you away! Full report's here.

An egg-shaped treehouse. This one's really beautiful -- made by a guy who's just a beginning carpenter. (Don't miss the slideshow, either.)

Buyer's remorse -- all sorts of interesting stories. And a big one from Len Penzo, who collected these. (Moral of his story: make sure your house isn't too close to the railroad tracks before you sign the contract.)

And speaking of buyer's remorse: 9 popular collectibles that aren't worth as much as you'd think. Entrants include Beanie Babies, Precious Moments figurines, Hummels and (sorry, friends Roger and Judy) Thomas Kinkade prints. As one evaluator points out,  the only one getting rich off Kinkade items is Kinkade himself.
     Ah well. There's always the decorative value.

Abandoned photography. I was intrigued by a slideshow of abandoned places last week -- some of which came from the Opacity website. Go take a look.

Start planning for your garden - the thrifty way. (Our New Life in the Country can help.)

Sometimes being sneaky is the best way to be frugal. (From Living on the Cheap)
Other sneaky ways to squeeze out the family budget -- including refilling brand name boxes with the generic stuff! (Thanks, Yes I Am Cheap)

Peppermint deodorant...that you make yourself. I've just started reading Thrift Core, this wacky thrift shop/flea market/garage sale site. But along with the great finds, she also includes how-tos now and then. Like the deo (which she swears is the best she's ever found), plus this surprisingly easy way to turn a photograph into a painting.
   Yep, this.. this. (Click on the link above for a full explanation.)

Quilting tattoos. (Need I say more?!?)

Some of the cutest-ever Easter cupcakes from Food Network - a whole slideshow of easy-to-make desserts.
    Parade Magazine has three Easter cupcakes of their own (below) -- how-tos are here.

Have a productive week!

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...