Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tightfisted (and Smart) Habits of the Very Rich

     The rich are not like you and me.

Sometimes they're a lot more frugal.

This fascinating recent article takes a look at the penny-pinching habits of the superrich. For example:

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's front-and-center man, wears the same clothing item every day: a gray t-shirt. (He says he has 20 of them in his dresser drawer. How much do you want to bet that he got them on a group discount?)

Warren Buffett still lives in the house he bought for less than $40,000 decades ago. His predliction for hamburgers and root beer floats is well-known, as well as an ever-increasing collection of pithy quotes.

Ingvar Kamprad, IKEA's founder, flies economy class, or takes other transportation. Once he was refused admission to a business awards ceremony because he came off a bus. (Wonder if he was the one being honored?) He still often eats Swedish meatballs at IKEA cafeterias (the cheapest item on the lunch/supper menu), and is said to swipe salt and pepper packets for later use.
    (Special note here: a number of the billionaires profiled in this article don't use business or first class on planes. Hmmm...)

UK mobile phone pioneer James Caudwell cuts his own hair. Before he retired, he generally rode his bike to work.

Indian billionaire Azim Premji drove a Ford Escape for eight years, but recently traded it in...for a Toyota Corolla.

Shades of The Millionaire Next Door. Could these people's money-saving habits have something to do with their accumulation of wealth? If we paid as much attention to the little things as they do, would it help?
     My guess is.. yes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From the Department of "Back to Normal - or what Passes For It:"

Well, we're home.

     Got back about 11 p.m. last night, after waiting for an hour during construction up in the mountains. (Maddening, especially when noticing all the road guys casually staaannndding around.) The dogs were happy to see us -- the chickens could have cared less. The Brick was in pain by this time -- the kidney stones still have not cleared his system entirely. He'd endured a 14-hour-drive by this time; multiple stops at rest areas, being in the passenger seat (which he absolutely hates - he'd rather be the driver), and a few hours of drugged sleep. His prescription from the emergency room was nearly gone, too.
     It wasn't that great for me, either.
     A night's sleep at home helped a little. He got a shot and more pills at the doctor's, and has an appointment this afternoon. Hopefully this will take care of the pain, and help the stones to pass.
     Meanwhile, I've got work to do, yet somehow must squeeze in the doctor trip, taking care of a business commitment, and finishing up a quilt restoration. Oh joy.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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