Sunday, June 30, 2013

Review: King Soopers (Krogers) New-and-Improved Fried Chicken

     Grandma Cumings had a chickenyard.

     She not only used its products for her own large family -- 8 kids, or 'two and a half-dozen,' as my grandpa liked to say -- but delivered eggs to a long line of customers.
     One of her favorite foods was fried chicken, crisped in a cast-iron skillet. She was famous for it and her pies, especially to the threshers who came by each year.
     When the Brick and I married, I gained another side to the fried chicken angle, thanks to his North Carolina roots. But I confess -- rather than go to all the trouble and grease spatters of frying my own chicken, I rely on store-bought.

King Soopers (probably Kroger's, to you easterners) has been tinkering with its fried chicken lately. They sent me a coupon to try a free batch --
      And they're right. It is an improvement!

A box of chicken gets you two of each: breasts, thighs, wings and legs. You can buy them hot off the deli plate (which we did this time), or packaged and ready to take out of the cooler.
    First thing I noticed was the nice crrunch that happened when I bit into the chicken. The meat inside was moist, almost delicate, in spite of the crispy batter outside.
    But something even better happened. I had hardly any grease on my fingers!

I don't know how they do it, but this latest method produces crunchier chicken with less grease aftertaste, and noticeably less pools of grease inside the box, or on your hands. I have to believe this means less grease going into your mouth, as well. Hooray!

The cold chicken wasn't quite as good -- but still less grease.

I actually went and bought some Safeway chicken, to compare the two. That version had a softer crust and more noticeable fat left on the chicken. Back to the grease marks on the carton, too.

King Soopers likes to say, "We have the best chicken!" You know what? In the grocery deli department, I think they do!

(Please note: I do occasionally take Bzz agent jobs, and review various products. I am not paid for these, but do get free and reduced-price coupons. However, I'm not going to say anything I don't believe is true. No matter what.)

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