Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Elections, Hunting...and Arrow

I've spent the last week working for our local election board, checking signatures, counting ballots and otherwise shuffling incredible amounts of paper. Another week and a half, and I've got a tidy packet to help pay for our upcoming cruises. (More on that soon.)
    The hunters returned last night, dirty, tired and a little discouraged. It's been so warm around here that the elk have stayed up in the high country. (Otherwise known as the "black timber.") It's really, really difficult to get at them up there. Cold weather drives the animals down -- and that's what we've got moving in today. But Daughter #2 had to be back at work last night, and the Brick had to be at the office this morning. (Daughter #1 hasn't had any luck either, though her sister got a buck.)  

    The Brick has been watching episodes of The Arrow, a tv adventure series about Oliver Queen and his fellow justice fighters. It's full of humor, double (and triple) meanings, adversity and all sorts of fun fights. Not to mention cute guys.  The archery stuff doesn't hurt, either.
     I've gotten hooked on it, too. The concept, like Guardians of the Galaxy, is based on a comic book. Funny -- I didn't read that many comic books as a kid...

Don't forget about Phenomenal Gems' great new giveaway - - it ends Oct. 31st.

A new standing desk for laptop users. This is a clever alternative for an easy stand that's inexpensive, too.

Will canning food save you money? By the way, I don't necessarily agree with her conclusion... (From Get Rich Slowly)

Snowy ways to save the day. Whether or not you have a milder-than-usual winter, or really get dumped on, a little prep work will make life easier.  (By yours truly, via Midlife Finance)

The world's 18 strangest homes. (From Popular Mechanics)

Spooky Ghost Cookies. (From Who Needs A Cape) Add an orange candy nose and red-hot buttons, and these could be Snowmen Cookies, as well.

Getting to -- and staying at -- Los Vegas for free!  (From Frugal Rules)

The simplest way to get rich. Hint: it's easy, but it takes a while. (From MoneySmartGuides)

Chocolate chip peanut butter oatmeal cookies...oh my.  Add a few nuts, and you've pretty much hit everyone's favorite flavors.  (From MoneySaving Mom)

A guy goes to a recent Denver Broncos game with his son, leaves for a minute...and vanishes. The police (and his family) don't know what to think:

Have a great week. 

Did you know that pumpkins are one of chickens' favorite foods?

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...