Saturday, October 25, 2014

More Bigfoot Stuff!

Yes, I still collect stuff about Bigfoot.

Unfortunately, the hunters in the family, other than Angel's earlier experience, haven't seen or heard a thing. They come back tomorrow night.'s been far too lonely around here.

I did come across a fascinating interview with Bob 'Action' Jackson, a legendary Yellowstone ranger. He had three direct encounters with Bigfoot, as well as hearing about others, but was careful not to mention them until he retired. Here's his interview.
     This is particularly enlightening, considering one of the accounts in Rusty Wilson's Mysterious Bigfoot Campfire Stories is a first-person account of a Yellowstone park ranger who comes across a BF caught in an ancient bear trap, tranquilizes it, and pulls the trap loose. This person very matter-of-factly says that park rangers see BF a fair amount in and around the park, but are not encouraged to talk about it. Hmmm. (I sure haven't seen BF included on those silly 'wildlife you can see' National Park Service signs!)
     Wilson's book is a little wacky in spots -- but then again, all BF stories seem to have a touch of this - mostly because the observer finds it hard to believe what they're seeing.

Wilson has a very funny BF story on his website, about a deaf grandpa, his grandsons...and the Forest People, who keep on visiting.

Also found a recent post on the BFRO network, about a father and son who have regular doings with what seems to be a family unit of Bigfoot! (They even eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches together.)

Soundwise, this verbalization video from Sasquatch Ontario is very, very freaky:

I am not sure whether to be amused...or terrified.
(Go to and put in 'Acknowledged By Name,' for much longer, funny/scary pronouncements by Whatever This Is.)

This one's weird, too. From East Texas. Doesn't exactly make you want to rush out to investigate, does it...

'He/she/it' is probably not around now, anyways...based on the dates of the vast majority of sightings in Colorado, they're gone by late November. Probably headed down the Rocky Mountain backbone chain to New Mexico and Arizona, where it's warmer.

See you next season, 'Squatch.

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