Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: More of Same

It's one of the loveliest times in Colorado right now.
     Still hot (ergh) during the days, but the evenings are cooling off. And the light is the clearest and makes things, including our developing golden fall colors, just glow. I've read nature people who gush about "the air being just like wine." Well, in this case, they're right.
    I've been putting dozens of (unpaid) hours into a high-priority issue ever since May. It's taken away from work I should have been doing, instead, and sucked off a lot of my energy and resources. It's also made a substantial dent in my business. 
    Looks like it's going to be a quiet fall.  

At least this week's version of "Stuff" is bigger -- enjoy.

She's a lumber-er, Jill...and she's ok. A look at women in logging. Inspired by, of course:

Five surprising facts about Gilligan's Island. Surely I can't be the only person who can still rattle off the words to the theme song...

Ten archaeological 'discoveries' that were actually fakes. I always wondered about Drake's plate...

Keep on keeping on. (From Messy Thrilling Life)

The best bank savings account in 2015 -- at least according to Wiser Saver.

Seven hikers ignore a flash flood warning and get a permit for Zion National Park. Hours later, they're swept away guessed it.

Natural homemade dishwasher detergent tablets. I want to try these. (From Five Little Homesteaders)

Slow-cooker... breakfasts?!?  Yep, from our buddette, Betty Crocker.

Tiny houses -- the legal aspects. (From Tiny House Blog)

Prefabs assembled in ten days or less.  (From Dwell) Including this LEAPfactory home:

People who were wrongfully accused of terrible crimes.  (From Listverse)

Getting yourself to think and act decisively. (From The Frugalwoods)

The winners from the American Quilter's Society Chattanooga show.  
      Plus a very cool free train pieced quilt pattern from AQS.

Why you shouldn't buy a vacation property. (From Financial Samurai -- who did)

A new job that pays great -- doing voiceovers.   (From Budgets Are Sexy).

Dogs and camping: an Instagram photo essay. 

I'd forgotten just how funny this "William and Kate" spoof of the royal wedding, courtesy of T-Mobile, could be.

Five very expensive payoffs from the stars of Pawn Stars. At least two ended up being stolen property.

Walking tacos: fast, easy, delicious. Great for groups, too. (From Picky Palate)

Hard times? "The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace." (From Messy, Thrilling Life)

Ten famous people who were almost killed during 9/11. Mark Wahlberg was one of them. (From Listverse)
    Also from Listverse:

Ten incredibly brave actions, taken in wartime against all odds. (Read Is Paris Burning? for one of them.)

Best investing advice for beginners. Thirteen different experts weigh in on this. (From College Investor)

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...