Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Working

Yes, it's Wednesday. I know. We've been on the Western Slope -- a fancy Colorado phrase for "up in the mountains past the Continental Divide." We camped on the Grand Mesa. It rained, but mostly at night (including a pelting hailstorm one morning). But the woods -- crisp pine and fresh air. Fishing, and campstove meals of bacon and eggs. (The latter from the chickies, of course.) We finished up the trip with a long soak at Glenwood Hot Springs. It was tremendously relaxing.
    Palisade, nearby on the Western Slope, is just finishing up its peach harvest. We brought home boxes and boxes, to process for the winter and pass on to friends and family. 
    We came home late last night, muddy and tired, with car smelling like a fruit stand. Colorado peaches just can't be beat, for sweetness and juicy texture.
     Now it's on to the Brick's last three days of work -- and a full week of work for me, as well. Had better get to it...

40 things that could be done for free (or nearly free). Some of these are on the Brick's personal horizon. (From The Simple Dollar)

A whole BUNCH of paintings stolen in 2009 have been recovered, thanks in part to a 50,000 pound reward posted.

Sweetheart pincushions -- a quick historical look, and visual exhibit. (From Barbara Brackman's blog)

19 successful people with REALLY weird habits. Like Steve Jobs, who ate carrots or apples only for weeks on end...and thought that meant he didn't have to bathe or use deodorant much. (According to co-workers, he needed to.)

Six big-time public failures by so-called psychics. Including our buddy and yours, Uri Geller.

Five 'reality' TV shows that are actually staged. I knew about 'Pawn Stars' after one of my appraisal clients mentioned her visit to Vegas. They stopped by the store, and while browsing, were asked if they wanted to be on the show. Turns out it's on a stage set nearby...though the store owners will grab people who come into the store, and use them on the show, instead.

Morning breakfasts that can be made ahead of time. (From Heavenly Homemakers)

You are who you are.  Simple...but profound. (From Moneysaving Mom)

Are these new photos and video of the Loch Ness Monster? Who knows...

Hopefully you had a chance to rest on Labor Day...and the rest of the week is equally peaceful. I'm eating peaches -- and thinking of you. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...