Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wanna Learn How to Make A Crazy Quilt?

Want to learn how to make one several different ways, too?

I'll be teaching all the how-tos at
                             Holly's Quilt Cabin
                     8210 S. Holly St. in Centennial, CO

"Those Incredible Crazies"
          Saturday, Oct. 17    10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

The class is pretty full, but there's room for more. And I'll be teaching the same class I teach at the big conferences...for a lot fewer people!

Mix of quick and traditional techniques for all skill levels
        --including embellishments tricks
                  AND an easy way to paint lace and fabric   (yes, it's colorfast, too)

Lots of discussion about the history and unique stories Crazies contain
    (think of them like a fabric scrapbook of the maker's favorite hopes, dreams and beliefs --
            because that's what they are)

Lots of freebies (ask anyone who's taken a class from me -- I'm famous for this!)

Dozens of samples for you to see, ranging from mid-19th century to modern

Supply list available -- handout (with patterns) comes free with the class.

And we'll be used my book Crazy Quilts as a starting/progressing point:

(You can see inside the book here....or just check it out during class.)

Go here for more...and to register.
     They're offering several other interesting classes, including hand piecing and quilting -- and developing your skills in paper foundation piecing, as well. (They just got done with a t-shirt quilt class that I'm certain they'll be offering again, too.)

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