Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Heading Out, Heading Up

Oklahoma City's in our sights...but we've got Christmas choir practice, and some other work to get done first. I've got a big batch of appraisals to finish off, too. Colorado's supposed to get hit with a Really Big Storm again -- fortunately, just before we leave. (Our last RBS was 8", less in Denver -- big deal.) Hey, even better reason to stay inside and snug. Update: Yep, it's here...slippery and messy. As of early evening, about 5" -- and still coming down. See for yourself.

     The chickadees showed up when the hummingbirds left, around Labor Day. These tiny black-headed beauties have been sounding off their distinctive call, and bouncing in and around the junipers by the dining room window. I think they like the spicy berries. Meanwhile:

It's Ralph Moody's birthday today! If you haven't read this Western author's series of memoirs, starting with Little Britches, you're in for a treat. (Go here for even more.)

The Secret History of Medieval America. Or, in other words, how rich Americans bought old European monasteries and other buildings, then had them crated and shipped to the States... (From Atlas Obscura)

Income profiles of financially free people. Or, in other words -- you don't necessarily need a big salary to be financially independent -- just some willingness to experiment. (From Financial Samurai)

The millionaire [liar] next door. (From Budgets Are Sexy)

Pancake bacon dippers. Don't laugh -- these are really quite tasty, according to Who Needs A Cape.

Homemade onion soup mix -- you can use this stuff everywhere, from meatloaf to chip dip. (From Good Cheap Eats)

The secret world of free stuff -- and how to get it!  (From Sarah Titus)

50 Christmas presents that cost $10 -- or less.  (From the Penny Hoarder)

31 genius facts about Jim Henson -- puppeteer extraordinaire.  (From Mental Floss)

Ten little-known Americans that affected history, anyways. Including Mr. Wizard, and a guy who REALLY believed in Chairman Mao. (From Listverse) From the same site:

Unanswered questions from WWII. Including one I've always puzzled about -- why didn't Hitler order an attack on Dunkirk while all those soldiers were being evacuated?

Ten influential things that happened in the bathroom. (No, I do not make this stuff up.)

And while we're on the Weirdmobile:

Harvard owns at least one -- and most probably more -- books bound in human skin. So what are subjects? Roman poetry and philosophy, among other things.

Have a great week.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries