Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Monday (Ok, Tuesday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Rest

It is Tuesday, isn't it...

I spent a few hours this morning with friends over coffee. That's been the pattern this past week: work some, rest some. It's been lovely. The only blight in this serene week: the Brick decided to help out and upgraded our computers to Windows 10. A big batch of files promptly stopped working. I had to dicker and tinker a lonnnnggg time to figure things out. 
    Aren't upgrades supposed to HELP? Make things BETTER? In the case of Windows 10...HA.

The last words of 25 celebrities. And some of them are more than a little strange...

Do you enjoy coloring books? The American Quilter's Society staff have designed a 12-page coloring book for you...ready to fill in. (Or print for your favorite quilter.)

The aftermath of the Seven Fish Dishes. A report from yours truly on of our favorite holiday traditions.

The start of a new frugal food series:  Bare Bones with Style. Also from yours truly, via our Holiday Goodies blog.

An appetizer wreath -- nice to look at, delicious to eat. (From Betty Crocker)

Donna Freedman feels blue. (Who can blame her, this time of year...)

A porcelain plaque auction at Skinner's...beautiful stuff.

A sheet of music scored by Beethoven is found hanging in a hallway in Connecticut...and scores more than $120,000 in a recent auction. Yow.

A Viking outpost on Baffin Island? Evidence is piling up for only the second Viking settlement found in the Americas. (So far, at least.)

Ten essential items for your food storage. You do have some food in storage, don't you? (From Living Life in Rural Iowa)

And something I thought you'd get a kick out of -- this year's Christmas card from MUFON, a flying saucer enthusiast/study group. Hey, aliens celebrate, too!

Have a restful week.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries