Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: GO BRONCOS!

Did those Big Mean Broncos refuse to go away, and showed the New England Patriots where to go, instead? (As in 'HOME.')
     Yesterday's game was one of the finest I've ever seen them play. What a show of courage and determination. People thought they wouldn't fact, they shouldn't have. But somebody forgot to tell the Broncos that. 
     On to the Super Bowl!

Source: Facebook

More of these memes, if you enjoy them...

What Peyton Manning REALLY means when he yells 'Omaha'... maybe.

The 25 funniest Broncos Super Bowl memes.  Funny to who?

At least some of the high-priced 'original' brass sculptures cities have been putting on public display are neither brass, nor original...they're cheap Chinese knockoffs. This report is via the Denver Post, but mentions several towns in Colorado and Utah. No doubt they're elsewhere, as well.

From the Department of "Hey, I Know This Guy:"
     Ben Madrid caught a lot of shaking happening during Alaska's recent 7.1 earthquake. 
      (Attaboy, Bud.) Ben and his siblings grew up with our girlies...the other voice on the video is his wife Tina.

Barbara Brackman's selling some of her quilt samples. At good prices, too.

Twenty of the creepiest hotels on the planet. For hauntings, that is.

Photos of this past weekend's East Coast snowstorm -- from space.

 Landlord horror stories. (From The Simple Dollar)

Pilot horror stories! (Like the cockpit officers who freaked out, smelling a 'fume-like' odor...turns out it was kids in first class, using fresh markers in a coloring book.)

Michigan small farmers are struggling -- they're gradually being threatened by zoning issues...often initiated by people who move to the neighborhood years after the farm's been operating. A law had been passed to protect these farmers, but in 2014, the Michigan governing agency decided it didn't apply.
    The farmers are forming a group. Go here for more, if you're interested.

The thirty most outrageous moments in sports. As collected by The Guardian, so lots of interesting moments in cricket and such are included.

So if it's out on the curb for the trash guys...when is it not garbage? (From my buddy at Things I Find In The'll be puzzled, too.)

The home (for sale) with a secret -- it has a cave attached. And here it is:

Martha Stewart's many houses. I've been rereading New Old House, the story of her Adams House renovation, and got curious. Let's put it this way: she's had a LOT, and her newest acquisition, Cantitoe Corners, includes several houses. Let's see what she does with them.

A guide to castles in Ireland -- ruined and otherwise -- done alphebetically. (From Ireland Now)

A little reminder that we're being watched online. So be careful what you say. (From John & Jane Doe)

New period dramas coming out! A number of these look good, especially Dickensian. (From Diary of a Stay At Home Mom)

Frugal foraged spring rolls. (From Penniless Parenting)

Million-dollar spaghetti casserole. Because tasty, easy-to-make casseroles are worth a million bucks?? Beats me...but it does look tasty.  (From Betty Crocker)

Ten strangest deaths in the Middle Ages. At least that we know of... (From

Living in a truck. Or a van. Or an RV.  (Yes, we are thinking of doing this.) From Outside the Box.

Eighteen people and animals who are Not Impressed. With anything.  (From Pleated Jeans)

How to make a woven newspaper box -- for stuff. Or pets. Or more newspapers! I mentioned this back in 2010, but it's been updated. Kewl. (From Craftstylish)

A charming basket (or comfy pet bed) is crafted from an issue of the Sunday New York Times. Recycling never looked so good.

And, something mentioned about the same time (but I never did make them):
fuzzy elf slippers.  It's time to stitch a pair of these. (Thanks, Resweater)


Have a grand week. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...