Sunday, January 10, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Digging for Treasure?

I've been doing a lot of reading this weekend, hanging out with Mr. Flu and his wife, Mrs. Nausea. When Mrs. N. is nearby, my usual winter fare of cookbooks and 'cozies' (novels about village life wherever, by Miss Read, Helen Forrester and others) is OUT.  Nothing sounds good.
    So I went digging for treasure, instead -- both in Richard Kellogg's Wall of Silver (a lost mine near Houghton, Michigan) and W.C. Jameson's Colorado Treasure Tales. Both are fun to ponder, but I'm not convinced the near-inexhaustible riches these guys describe are true. Better get a metal detector and find out.

     At least they don't talk about food.

If you enjoy treasure-hunting, too, try Beau Oumiette's (or Aquachigger) video series on Youtube. He's made some amazing discoveries in the water near a river crossing -- hundreds of coins. Here's a video to get you started:

Telling those who serve on our behalf  THANK YOU -- all year-round. Plenty of programs and links for you to write, support and send packages to the military. Frugal Upstate is a vet, so she understands.

David Bowie died. An 18-month struggle with cancer (actually, health problems for years) took him at age 69. If that isn't enough shock...

Wil Smith's high-school aged son Jaden is now the official 'face' for Louis Vuitton. Yes, SON. Louis Vuitton's WOMEN'S wear, that is. Guess wearing a skirt to your high school prom (not to mention many other places) paid off.

The 15th annual Drop Your Pants day just happened on New York City subways -- and elsewhere. No doubt Jaden (and Louis Vuitton, for that matter) think this was a great idea.
     (Yes, that was rude. I should be ashamed. But I can't get The Mama's voice out of my head: 'Just because everybody else jumps off a cliff, does that mean you should do it, too??')

Starting tomato plants. It's about time to consider this...

Why should you save? Trent at The Simple Dollar lays it out -- and he's right.

'Bare Bones with Style' continues over at yours truly's Holiday Goodies blog -- and the current installment is on favorite meals for kids. (Sweet potatoes was before it -- Chicken's next.)

Nazi looted art -- it's more prevalent than you think. An interesting overview. (From Skinner Auctions)

A three-year-old in a diaper, driving a Big Wheel. On the median of a busy highway in Florida. The only reason he didn't make it out onto the street: several drivers noticed (thank God) and worked together to box him in. (In case you're wondering, the dad was in the bathroom, although he arrived some time later via bicycle.)

The mountain lion with something different -- an extra set of teeth!

Don't have children if you can't care for yourself. While I agree (sort of) with Financial Samurai's starting point, there's no way in a billion years that everyone is going to rack up a million dollars in worth before they can start having kids. Is money everything?!? Controversial, but helps you think.

What it's like to live on the world's most remote island. (Though I would have nominated Pitcairn Island of Mutiny-on-the-Bounty-fame for this...)
The $188 million lottery winner tells you why she, invested...all that money on an alleged druggie boyfriend.   (Remember the boyfriend from last week's list?Ahem.

Beautiful charms from... Shrinky Dinks? Yes, thanks to the Graphics Fairy.

Nine foods that relieve nausea. Wonder why I checked on this...

Have a great week -- stay healthy and warm.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...