Monday, March 28, 2016

Want to Get Crazy Tonight in Idaho?

I'm doing a lecture tonight for the North Idaho Quilt Guild -- come on over!

And if you can't make it...we'll miss you.

* *  * * * * * * * * * * * *
Want to learn more about your family name, with just a click? is offering a very cool freebie --
    Click on this link, type in your family name, and you can see a wide variety of facts, including:

*Who's in the U.S. with your last name -- and where they're located
       (I'm guessing there's more info available than this, but has become very big -- and covers a lot of ground at present.)

*Their most-common occupations
*People who fought in America's Civil War -- on both sides

and more. Fascinating. wants you to join up, of course. (They do offer a risk-free trial that's helpful.)
But you don't have to commit to anything to get access to your family name information.

Just to give you a hint about the cool stuff that's available -- I checked on the Brick name. As far as we know, it first came to the U.S. via three brothers from Ireland, who immigrated from County Cork and founded Bricktown, NJ. Obviously, based on name meaning, it's a little more complicated than that.

What can you find out about your name?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Brick Name Meaning

Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Bruic ‘descendant of Broc’, i.e. ‘Badger’ (sometimes so translated) or Ó Bric ‘descendant of Breac’, a personal name meaning ‘freckled’.English: possibly, as Reaney suggests, a nickname from Old English br¯ce ‘fragile’, ‘worthless’.German: topographic name for someone who lived in a swampy wood, brick, breck ‘swamp’, ‘wood’.Jewish (Ashkenazic): from Yiddish brik ‘bridge’, probably a topographic name.Altered spelling of German Brück (see Bruck).In some cases it may be an altered spelling of Slovenian Bric, regional name for someone from the hilly region of western Slovenia called Brda, a plural form of brdo ‘rising ground’.

Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: North Idaho Quilters Guild

This Monday list is a early one, so I can post it before leaving... Happy Easter!

Sunday afternoon, I'm heading out to the North Idaho Quilters Guild in Hayden, ID. Yours truly will be talking about Crazy quilts on Monday (the 28th), and teaching about them on Tuesday (the 29th).  There aren't many spaces left in class, but the lecture's wide open. I'd love it if you'd stop by! 

We got a phone call from the doctor's office Friday: this mystery whatever-it-is we've both been hacking and coughing away from is.... (drum roll)... pneumonia. Go figure. All I know is that it's hung on far longer than it should. Fortunately, we've both had some time to rest in between working gigs. And I plan on resting between commitments in Idaho, too, so I can give the classes all I've got. (Both of us really do feel better -- we just run out of steam quickly.) 
      Storm #2 came in, as well, but this one was minor: only 6" or so of snow. It was enough, though, to cancel some events today, and keep life generally quiet. Which is okay with us.

So no fancy Easter dinner, unless you count Chinese from the food court at DIA. But we can still celebrate the King's resurrection by singing and playing on Worship Team for the services on Sunday. Then it's off to the airport for me, and friends' house for dinner for the Brick. Meanwhile:

More Bunny Cupcakes. These are just as cute as the bunny butts. (From Betty Crocker, via the Holiday Goodies blog)

Easter Bunny Cupcakes

Doing Disney -- on a budget. (From The Simple Dollar)

Sixteen very cool ideas for tiny kitchens. Like this one, courtesy of Apartment Therapy:

Ten of the rarest, most expensive bottles of wine on earth. Two have connections with Thomas Jefferson...and one of those is thought to be undrinkable! (From Crystal Kiss)

Planning the best birthday party on a budget. Done Filipino version, that is. Interesting, nonetheless. (From Reach Financial Independence)

The ten least-deserved Academy Awards in the past twenty years. Lots of interesting movie-related lists on this website, including the Top Ten Twilight Zone twists. (Brought back a memory of the creepy old woman who tries to smash the miniatures that threaten her. Thank you, Agnes Moorhead and Shadowlocked.)

Popping very large cysts. Online. So you can watch the gunky stuff spurt out. (I am not making this up. There are entire Youtube sections on this subject.) In keeping with this weirdness:

Ten facts you need to know if you plan to self-mummify.  The first one: it's going to be hard. Hey, only the best and brightest info here at Brickworks.  (Courtesy of Listverse)

Creative ways to use one dollar. Yes, one shiny dollar! (From Penny Hoarder)

The value of perseverance.  (From Messy Thrilling Life)

One interesting pendant.. they've got it in green and brown, too.  Update: I found the blue version cheaper on Amazon. (Yes, I ordered one.) But they don't seem to have it in green or brown -- and Daughters' eyes are brown. Darn.

Blue Eye With Tears Silver Plated Necklace

Are your neighbors using parking spaces in front of your place, and getting in your way? Put up fake 'no parking' signs -- that's what Madonna did. 

Ten oddball criminals...AFTER their '15 minutes of fame.' My favorite: Michael Fagan, the guy who snuck into the palace to kiss Queen Elizabeth (and found her sleeping sitting up, Colonial-style.)
Thanks, Listverse.

Sir Charles has been preoccupied with his tail lately -- chewing and biting on it. (Chases it sometimes, too. Where's it going -- Italy?) Maybe it's the thrill of possession:


Travel the world for free -- a number of ways to do it. (via

Have a great week -- Christ is risen, He is risen indeed.

Happy Easter!

Christ is risen...
           and because of that, I can be saved.

So can you...thank God.

See the World -- Smithsonian Photo Contest Winners

They're pretty amazing this year. 

Here's the Grand Prize Winner of the Smithsonian's annual photo contest -- the eruption of Indonesia's Mount Sinabung, captured by Albert Ivan Damanik.  (Makes you wonder how he kept breathing while he was snapping.)

The 9 Most Breathtaking Images from the Smithsonian's Annual Photo Contest

Go here for nine of the top prizewinners...and a link to the rest.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Snow Snow Snow

Went to the post office and library at 2 a.m. this morning -- rain.
    (I know -- you wouldn't be out wandering around that late. But it's actually quite peaceful.)

Woke up this morning to a blizzard in full force.
    Which kept going -- and going -- and going.

It finally stopped at sunset. We've got at least 1 1/2 feet (according to the Brick) or 2 feet (according to me) of white stuff. Drifts from knee to mid-thigh deep. Charley is thrilled; he's had a wonderful time prancing through it.

The chickens stayed in their coop and sulked. 

Which brings me to a certain observation about how different regions deal with snow:

Most of the Coloradoans on my block, though, had the good sense to stay home. After all, it IS Spring Break here for most. Otherwise, they would have had to do this:

Or maybe it's Colorado-style, instead!

We're supposed to get more snow this weekend. (The weather pundits are now saying just sleet -- but they're the same people who announced Castle Rock would only have 4-8" in this storm.)
      Colorado's like that in the spring. is right...

I'll keep the sandals and snow boots side by side for a while.

(Thanks for expressing it so succinctly,

Update:  Just heard from Daughter #2. Her partner Keith, who has snow-clearing contracts in the Denver area, spent 35 HOURS plowing and shoveling. Poor guy. 
     I got the front walk shoveled, but it took some work -- we've got waist-deep drifts out front. The steps down to the driveway disappeared -- literally. Charley got stuck in a snowdrift and had to push himself out backwards. Silly dog.
     Sky's clear now...we'll see how long it holds.

Tinkling the Ivories

This cutie pie is our great-niece Adie...practicing for her upcoming concert pianist tour.

Actually, this is her side gig.  Adie usually dances -- and her little brother Dietrich sings and plays the piano.

What a sweetheart. 

Displaying IMG952016031595150438208.jpgDisplaying IMG952016031595150438208.jpg

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Monday (ok, Tuesday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Shock

I had other things to say, but the Belgian crisis made them all seem irrelevant...

The Brick and I are both still struggling with bronchitis. Listening to us cough in tandem is not the prettiest thing in the world. We run out of steam very quickly, then must sit down and rest. 
    We both did our jobs on Saturday and Sunday. Thankfully, this week will be fairly quiet.

Charlie the wonder dog -- a former foster dog does his own fostering. (Not our Charley, but a nice guy, nonetheless.)

Charlie and Piper

Two Hundred Bucks for a morning smoothie? If you're Gwyneth Paltrow, this makes sense...
but couldn't the money be used for something better?

Dee Stark's mom died. (See comments.)  I still miss this Crazy quilting friend so much.

The latest from Libby Lehman's ongoing recovery. Her stroke was April 2013 -- last week, for the first time, she was able to stay overnight alone and care for herself. Do the math: almost three years.

111 freebies for your birthday. (From Penny Thots)

Choosing the right mix of investments for YOU. (From The Simple Dollar)

And take a moment to pray for the Belgians whose world has just been torn apart...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ten Things - Plus One - Learned from Ireland (Part I)

St. Patrick's Day is here again...with thoughts of the country we visited a few years ago. (And I hope to return to -- soon.) We noticed a great deal, but some things really stood out. Like:

*The breakfasts were 'full' -- and amazing. The Irish may stint elsewhere, but not in this department: 'black' and 'white' pudding (actually rounds of sausage -- blood for the dark, and offal for the white), banger sausages (softer than ours, with more 'stuffing'), fried potatoes, fried eggs -- and a basket of toast, with some brown bread slices thrown in. Hot, strong tea completed the menu, plus a bowl of slow-cooked porridge, if we were lucky. We could go for hours on a meal like that -- and often did.

*The 'Troubles' never really have gone away.  We may think that the 19th century's Great Famine, when Irish potato crops were ruined in a matter of days and weeks, is far in the past. Not so for the Irish -- nor for all of the political unrest they endured in the early 1900s.  It isn't just the IRA, either. Unemployment and other money problems are still an issue for the Irish. They still largely resent England  -- but realize some of their income comes from English support, as well. (And they don't like it.) We were never badly treated; too many Irish people have friends and relatives in the States to dislike 'Yanks.' But if we'd been Brits...
     During a trip to Connemara, our cousin pointed out a patchwork of carefully outlined squares, still evident against the hills. "Know what those are?" he said. "The potato plots from the Famine -- they're not planted anymore, but they're still there."
     Memories are the same way, for Ireland.

*Castles, old forts and other stone monuments, including guard post towers from Oliver Cromwell's time: they're still there. It became a common sight to drive past a field, or look out at shore's edge -- and see one. Nearly all are in ruins, especially the guard outposts, which often have a gigantic hole in their back. (Cromwell's men would sneak up on the outpost, then blow a hole with their cannon. Problem solved.)
    And the time of Cromwell's invasion of Ireland? The mid-1600s. Oh, that we Americans still preserved that much of our Colonial heritage.

et voila...

      Some of the castles have been restored -- or at least fixed up enough for tourists. Most, though, are just crumbling piles of rock, with holes for windows. When we asked why, we were told that it would cost too much to reinforce or repair them -- so they're just left alone.

      It looks picturesque that way, but there won't be much left after another generation or so.

*Kissing the Blarney Stone -- an exercise in weirdness.  Much of Blarney Castle is pasted-together ruins, but its top floor has an interesting feature: an open spot with a very nondescript stone held in place over a drafty metal grill. Smooch the stone, and you're supposed to be given the 'gift of gab.' (And apparently most of the Blarney's owners had it, too.) Sounds easier than it is -- you must lean over backwards, with the guard nervously holding onto your belt while you do it.

I did it -- on condition that the Brick NOT take a picture.
         He took it, anyways. (I made him erase it.)
Blarney Castle had its share of ruined towers, shady (and spooky) walks, plus an extensive herb and flower garden, only made up of harmful plants: a true Poison Garden. Maybe that's how they got rid of people who refused to 'kiss up' to them?

Blarney Tower - one of the 'lookouts,' near the castle proper

*A lot of fuss made over mountains, cliffs and other grand-sounding landmarks.  But they weren't. Their mountains, at least to these Coloradoans, looked like foothills. Pretty, yes, but we've seen steeper hills just a few miles from home.
     And the much-ballyhooed Cliffs of Moher?

I was more impressed by the old man playing an accordian on the footpath.
     The photos look wonderful. The reality was pretty mundane. In fact, it's the first national park I ever visited where cattle were grazing at the entrance to the parking lot. They weren't impressed, either.

Part II's coming -- but this flu is still hanging on, and I need some sleep.

Now head over to the Holiday Goodies blog, and cook something Irish to celebrate!

Erin Go the land I've come to love.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Cooking for St. Patrick's Day

Are you thinking of cooking Irish for St. Patrick's Day tomorrow?

Here's one idea, from the Holiday Goodies blog:  Potato Farls

Warm and filling... these potato scones make good use of leftover mashed potatoes. The basic recipe asks for just potato, flour, butter, salt and pepper -- but I like to add some finely chopped onion, as well. (The word, by the way, comes from the Gaelic fardel -- or 'fourths.')

Serve underneath a fried egg, and with a pot of tea, for a substantial breakfast.


1 1/2 - 2 cups mashed potatoes (warm in the microwave for 1-2 min. for best results)
1/2 cup flour
4 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon each salt and pepper
1-2 chopped green onions (or 1/4 cup finely chopped white onion)

Mix all together to make a soft dough. (If it feels sticky, add a bit more flour.) Press out by hand into a rough-shaped circle, then cut into quartered wedges. Carefully transfer to a hot ungreased frying pan -- cook for 3-4 min. on one side, then flip and cook 3 more min. Keep warm in the oven while you fry the eggs. (Preferably pulled warm from underneath your chicken friends, down in the coop)

From the Guardian article about the subject: 
     Farls are most often served with a cooked breakfast or at breakfast, try them topped with crisp bacon or served instead of fried tea time they are best served simply, with just butter and salt, but they are good too with dollop of jam. 
     At lunch or supper they go particularly well with smoked fish, grated beetroot salad and horseradish cream. Jane Baxter (my collaborator on this column) like them with butter and melted cheese, but she is a bad woman...


(Here's AllRecipe's take on potato farls.)

Irish Potato Farls

The Rock of Cashel, Cahir, County Tipperary, Ireland
Spend your vacation at this Irish castle -- go here for more.

We'll be featuring Irish goodies all week on the 'Holiday Goodies' blog -- go here for more recipes and ideas, including Irish Cream Cake, Burnt Oranges (really!) and Dublin Coddle.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Better

I am starting to breathe again. 

After struggling to do it for nearly a week, I woke up this morning with clearer air passageways -- at least I can breathe now without strange accompanying squeaky sounds. The fever seems to be gone, too. Sadly, the rest I got yesterday came at the expense of the Brick -- he dragged himself to Worship Team, so I could stay in bed. (We both usually sing and play keyboard/piano.) 
     We only had a day's worth of chicken feed, so I trudged out and got that last night, so he could rest. Thankfully, we don't have any commitments until Thursday night. Maybe this pesky whatever-it-is will let up completely by then. While we're recovering: 

Irish Goodies Are Coming! My Holiday Goodies blog will feature Irish foods all this week, to celebrate the holiday. (In case you're wondering, yes -- we both have ancestors from Ireland. We even kissed the Blarney Stone on our trip to Ireland. It may be famous...but the experience was just plain creepy. More later this week.)

More weird news from the Iditarod: not only did they have to truck snow in  so the race could begin -- but a drunken snowmobiler hit two of the sled dog teams, injuring the mushers and their animals, and killing a dog. ('I was only checking on them, not trying to hurt them,' the snowmobiler says. At an estimated 100 mph -- uh huh.)

Fifteen collectibles that are totally worthless. Or so says Cramer's The Street column. Commemorative plates from the Danbury Mint and Bradford Exchange, as well as the Precious Moments and Hummel lines, are some of the biggest offenders. (Actually, I'd agree with most of these, sad to say. A good friend proudly displays a huge collection of Precious Moments figurines, which I'm pretty sure she spent big bucks for.)

The woman who lived in a 90-foot-square apartment for years. And wrote an e-book about it. (She says she misses it.) More here... and more here:

Who is Banksy, really?  Scientists think they've pinpointed the identity of this urban hit-and-run graffiti artist. (I'll bet he/she denies it...)

37 People magazine covers that a bit wacky, after history's dealt with them. Special case in point: all but one of the couples on the 'Happy Forever' cover were divorced within four years. Yeah, right.

Fifty amazing (and unheralded) acts by Americans. You'll be surprised at some of these 'whos.' (I could have done without Lyndon B. Johnson bragging about his 'friend,' though. From

The homeless New Yorker who's been dragging around dozens of shopping carts/laundry carts for forced to give at least some of them up. (I'm just amazed she got away with doing this for so long.)

The results of an online group who made quilt blocks for each other...thanks for sharing, O Sew Tempting. What a beautiful sampler quilt.

f2f Finished

The newscaster who committed suicide, live and in color.  Remember Christine Chubbock? A new movie is out about her life, as well as a sort-of documentary.

How would you like a 300-foot chasm suddenly appear in your backyard? Speaking of hidden...

Ten hidden images found under famous paintings. (From Listverse) Also...

Ten stories about real-life water oddities.  Including Gruner See ("Green Sea"), an Austrian park that becomes a lake for a few months each year.

Second daffodil's out and blooming. Swiss chard and radish seeds are in the ground -- I need to clean out the chicken coop and pile the dressing on the garden before I put in peas and more greens. (Maybe tomorrow, when I have more energy.) 
Have a great week. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Get Your [Sick?] on Route 66

There was a reason I was up until 1:30 a.m. or so the other day...

Couldn't breathe. 

One of my darling piano students was coughing and sneezing during her lesson...and she gave it not only to yours truly -- but the Brick, as well.

Since then, we've both been pestered with fever, achiness and LOTS of congestion. Fortunately, I didn't have any client appointments or gigs until late next week. So we've split the chores -- whoever feels the most ambulant at the moment gets to stagger out and take care of the chickens. We also have bunny duty -- our friends down the street are out of town for another week, and they need us to care for the 'buns.' Sometimes we alternate -- the Brick for chicks, me for the buns, or vice versa.

Then we trudge home and collapse. 

I spent part of last night sleeping in a chair, so I could breathe a little easier. (Shades of Queen Elizabeth, who tends to sleep upright, from what I'm told.) It's a little better today -- but not much.

The house has piles here and there, of clean clothes, groceries, etc. The dogs have started their spring shedding, so we've been brushing them regularly. But the rugs still get their share. Whatever's absolutely critical gets taken care of -- the rest can wait.
    We've been eating out of the freezer a lot, warming up canned soup...and watching Route 66.

Route 66 Poster

Unlike Man in A Suitcase (which was a bust), this early 60s show has been a lot of fun. Two twenty-somethings, driving a Corvette left to one by his dad (the only thing he inherited, according to him), prowl the country, picking up work where they can, and rescuing all sorts of guys and damsels in distress. (Smooching some of the latter, too.)
     One is a clean-cut, former Harvard type. (Martin Milner) The other has been fighting all his life, since the Foundlings Home in Hell's Kitchen. (George Maharis) They get into all sorts of scrapes and funny situations along the way. And wherever they go, people tell them their life stories -- including their troubles. Sometimes the guys can help; sometimes they can't.

That would seem unreal -- but when the Brick and I spent the summer of 1984 on a motorcycle, traveling the country, we had exactly the same thing happen. Total strangers would offer us places to stay, help...and tell us all about their world, including their problems.

Route 66 doesn't always have a happy ending. Maybe that's one of its strengths.

It isn't always very kind regarding women -- the female sex is mostly there to act helpless, sexy or confused. (Guess you can't have everything.)

It hardly ever uses places along the actual Route 66. (Which we traveled by motorcycle...mostly hot, deserted and dusty.)

The Chevy Corvette seems spotless, in spite of heavy travel and use. (Which makes sense -- Chevrolet was the series' sponsor, and replaced the car every 3000 miles or so.)

But it does take advantage of some of the best character actors in the business, including Robert Duvall, E.G. Marshall and a surprising favorite, whose face we recognized, if not his name: John Larch. (The music's generally wonderful, too.)

And for people who like to travel, it works hard at presenting what 'everyday' life is like in all sorts of faraway places. So far, we've picked hops in Oregon (logged wood there, too), been roustabouts on an oil rig in Louisiana (right after we crewed on a shrimp boat, that is), fixed a well in Kanab, Utah during a duststorm (I thought they were singularly unfair, there -- didn't really show the beauty of the area). We also helped build the Glen Canyon Dam,...and had the bejeebers scared out of us by a creepy town run by a Nazi-hater. (That was the first episode, led by redneck George Kennedy. What a way to start a series.)

It's given us something more interesting to focus on, besides being sick. 

P.S. The first daffodil bloomed this morning in Castle Rock, CO -- right on schedule. I need to get peas in by St. Patrick's Day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

It's So True...

I am NOT a morning person.

Which explains why it's nearly 1:30 a.m....and I'm still up.
    (I guess.)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Spring Storms and Warms

A great blowy storm blew in this morning, full of huge snowflakes. It was soon over, and the snow melted, but left us with needed moisture. Hopefully, we'll get more.

Pretty quiet around here...which lets me not only get work done, but plant some early greens and radishes in the stone planting bed shaded by the house. The dirt's warmer in there...and the swiss chard should do just fine. I grew it in the back last year, and the Bright Lights brand has all sorts of vivid shades. (It turns green when cooked, however.)
    I'll mix it with white petunias, when the temps warm up. It should look lovely.

Wayne Simmons has been the FOX News 'expert' for years as former CIA man -- only he's been outed as a fraud. (And now arrested.)

The year's Oscar winners. The Martian got skunked badly. Too bad; it's one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.  Speaking of that --

The tired and worn face of a man wearing a space suit, with the words "Bring Him Home" overlaid in white lettering. In smaller lettering the name "Matt Damon" and the title "The Martian

Astronauts are back from the space station...and one of them grew two inches in height! (But it's only temporary.)

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan died.

Peyton Manning retired from the Denver Broncos. An amazing career... we're grateful for him.

How to get off the hamster wheel of crazy. (From Moneysaving Mom)

Snow has to be trucked into downtown Anchorage, so the annual Iditarod can begin. Weird.

Twenty-something brother and sister swipe a little girl's $300 money for Girl Scout cookies. How crass can you get...
     But there's a happy ending: they were caught, thanks to a Walmart surveillance camera -- and people anted up more than $1000 to help the Girl Scout. Speaking of --

Ten famous con women...some of them newly caught! (Hopefully you weren't one of those fooled by their scams.)

Cheryl Tiegs announces that anyone with a waist larger than 35 inches is 'unhealthy.' But after her open letter criticizing a size-14 Sports Illustrated model, Tiegs happened to omit the fact that her own waistline is 37". Naughty, naughty. (She's backtracking and apologizing now.)

Four Parisian apartments with more charm than space. (From Apartment Therapy) Including this beauty:

I thought this hallway storage compendium was great, too.

How to use $10 to save $5000. (From I Pick Up Pennies)

Have a great week.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Random Ponderings

Some stuff I've run across lately:

Would you have picked Bob Marley for this? But he said it...

 This was on the jacket of an older gentleman sitting at my precinct table.  Fascinating. And true.

And this...yep, I'll bet that was foremost on his mind.

Go forth and enjoy...

Home Bodies

We're staying home this weekend.   P.S. It feels wonderful.

The Mama's gone home. (She misses Charley, she says...but I'd guess she's loving sleeping in her own bed again.)

We slept in, had a leisurely breakfast of pancakes...then just messed around the rest of the afternoon.

Roses glowing in the afternoon sun
I'll have to do some work tonight...but it was worth it.

We've had sunny skies and barefoot temperatures for the past few days. One chicken apparently was inspired, and made a break for it. She didn't get far.

The Brick trimmed one wing; that way, she can't hop to the top of the coop and fly out. (Her usual modus operandi)

Boy, was she ticked.

We've been taking care of our neighbors' bunnies, cleaning up this, fixing that...and having a fire in the woodstove every evening, along with watching a movie. All this welcome rest has had an interesting effect: I suddenly have all sorts of writing ideas in different directions. Some ideas for the business, too. And lots of energy to do them with. Whoa. 

Either I've got some great stuff that's coming in 2016...or coming down with a cold. Could be either. Could be both. I'll think about it while we're watching the newest series we've found: Man in A Suitcase. Well, new to us -- this quirky spy/cop special aired in Britain from 1967-8. Reminds me some of The Avengers. Or maybe The Prisoner. (Turns out that was on purpose.)

Series titles over a suitcase
courtesy: Wikipedia

When one door closes...better just stay put. It might open other doors.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sensible Signs

Would these make sense to our dogs Charley and Abby...or us? Probably not.


How about this one...


Makes me hungry, just thinking about it. 

And to finish:

We just saw this one posted at the entrance to a gravel quarry. Guess they didn't want us to visit.


And if you're not thinking of this song, well...what can I say.

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...