Sunday, July 31, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: How Can It Be August?

Not that I mind too much. 

Except it's hot. And stuffy. And easier to stay inside, even though the garden's finally kicking stuff out. The peas are gone, but greens are ready to cut. Tomatoes are blooming.  And the green beans Charley somehow missed are flowering. Whoo hoo -- stirfry, butter and lemon, here we come.

A thankful note: this blog has had a LOT of visitors lately, what with the news about Quilter's Newsletter shutting down, and my "Thriving at Rock Bottom" food series. Thank you so much for visiting. I hope you'll subscribe by e-mail...and stay awhile!

25 weird things people found hidden in their homes. Btw, you can get through this even easier by just clicking on the top listing, changing the number...and clicking. (From Lifebuzz)

A family tries to change a street name -- because it's been misspelled for decades. It was named for their ancestor, a respected missionary. The Brick found this item, but we were both surprised -- this street (now 'Bulkey,' should have been 'Bulkley') is in our neighborhood. The entire tract was originally owned by a Baptist church, which received it as part of an inheritance. We already knew that 'Allen,' 'Betty' and 'Harvey' (other streets) were most probably the pastor and his wife, or related staff...but wow, a missionary, too. Cool. (We live in the 'show house,' first built to show off the property -- then moved into by the church secretary. Don't get excited, though...this was back in the Sixties.)

Chick-Fil-A's worth boycotting...until they're serving their food at the DNC. Then, oops! It tastes too good to boycott. (Maybe the protestors can start up later, after the last lattice fry is gone.)

More than a dozen amazing food hacks. For example: boil an unopened can of sweetened condensed milk in water for a few hours. What do you get? Caramel sauce, with no effort. Wow!  (From Cracked)

Need money? Sell your engagement ring. Or, in some cases, trade it for a faux diamond, I would think. (I never got a diamond -- we didn't have the money back then. But we did get the best-quality gold wedding bands we could -- and they've greatly increased in value. Thanks for the nudge, Make Money Your Way.)

A day in the life of the Frugalwoods -- updated homestead edition. I wondered how they were doing, now that they've moved to their much-wished-for country home, baby in tow.

Ten discoveries almost lost before they were found.  (From Listverse)

Art inspired by candy! Framed displays of pixie sticks, candy dots and my favorite -- wax 'pop' bottles. (From Cleverly Inspired) Speaking of that:

Ten mistakes NOT to make while promoting your art.  (From Artnet)

"A letter to my wife: Get a job -- now!"  

"I want to die."  I don't know what to think about this. See what you think.  (From Penelope Trunk)

"My student loans are paid -- and here's how I did it." An unusual solution that may be worth considering for some.  (From Inside the Box)

'The day the tyrannical government suspended my driver's license.' You'll enjoy this irritated rant about bureaucracy gone wrong...mostly because it's not happening to YOU. (From the Financial Samurai -- poor guy.)

A developer is trying to save a possible Lost Colony spot from being his own company. This is a puzzling (but noble, I guess) one. Yes, he'll get a percentage if the property is sold to someone else for preservation...but it's not as much as if they did develop it, he argues. And he's keeping a slice for himself. (The 'best part,' he says.) Are we supposed to praise him for all the mixed messages he's sending?

Have a good cooling week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.