Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Woof!

Got back from Cheyenne (thanks, guys!) and jumped right into my next assignment: dogsitting Nitro, a 15-year-old golden lab who has a surprising resemblance to our Abbie, but a whole lot more decrepit. He's a good dog, but is used to barking for food, love, going outside...and he doesn't mind doing it at 7 a.m. or so, if he feels like it. 
    He seems to be enjoying Charley's and Abs' company. He really is a good 'ol boy.
    I have two boxes of peaches waiting to be canned -- holdovers from our recent trip to Palisade. Fortunately, Nitro only lives 1 1/2 blocks down from our house, so I can move back and forth.
    The Brick, meanwhile, is practicing music for friends Ana and Jerred's wedding on Saturday. It will be fun, but...
     Why does everything happen in the same week?!?
    The big pile of work on my desk has kept me from doing much fooling around on the Internet, so the pile of Stuff is small this week. It will be more next Monday. 

A taste test comparing a supposed Kentucky Fried Chicken the real KFC product. Guess who wins?

6 lost airplanes, found decades later.  Read about 9 more here.  (Correction: the 9 list includes Amelia Earhart's plane, which still hasn't been found -- and I'm betting they won't. One of my uncles, who was involved with Allied flight operations in England, recalled hearing, during WWII, that her plane had been found after Earhart's execution -- but then was quickly torched. Other military eyewitnesses corroborate this.  Hmmm...From Mental Floss)

28 facts about the musical "Grease" that you didn't know.

The last word (I hope) on the Peter Doig trial.  If you're not sure what I'm talking about, go here.

The man who scammed for hundreds of thousands of veteran benefits...and almost got away with it.

21 underwater discoveries that are just too weird...and interesting.

Have a great week. We will.

Charley thinks this about Nitro.

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Don't Get Discouraged...

 one was too big, one was too small...