Sunday, October 23, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Keeping On Keeping On

    It's dry, surprisingly warm (at least during the day) and sunny...and I have absolutely no motivation to do anything. 
    Is it loneliness?  The Brick is off hunting with his buddies this week on the Western Slope.
    Is it recovering from fatigue and a lot of stress? (I did do a lot of teaching and running around this past month or two.)
    Is it going into flu? 
   It's not football malaise -- Michigan stomped all over Illinois this past week, and the University of Colorado won a game against Stanford -- in California, no less -- that they weren't supposed to be capable of doing. Guess the Buffs didn't get the message. (snicker)

    Who knows.

    Stuff is EVERYWHERE -- piles of clean (but not folded) clothes, dirty dishes in the sink, cans of soup on the floor, keeping company with the hunting gear the Brick didn't take. 
    I have chores that need to get done before cold sets in -- like painting the front door and the chicken coop, and starting to clear out the basement. I've been going through the hundreds of books we have, and keeping just the dearly-loved or rare ones. Gotta lot more work to do in this area.
    These are tasks that are easier to do without having to stop to make supper, do that errand, or cart this around because the Brick needs it. I should be chipping away at the list NOW.
    Tomorrow starts a side job as an election judge. This sounds more important than it will be: sitting at a table for hours at a time, opening vote envelopes. Whoopee. But it's work, and adds $$ to the mutual coffer. Things shouldn't be too stressful until the last few days of voting...when you work 10-12 hours at a time. 
    Speaking of:

Who won the third (and final, thank God) presidential debate? Many are saying that Chris Wallace, the moderator, did. 
     While we're at it...

Ten more things learned about Mrs. Clinton and her tribe, courtesy of Wikileaks and Listverse. None of which are pleasant.

For all those rude celebrities (and others) who announce if So-And-So wins the election, they're moving to Canada:   a list of prime Canadian real estate, all set to choose from!  (Thank you, Urban Daddy, you rude bugger)

Money tight? Look on it as a challenge.  (From Life After Money)

Save more by doing your holiday shopping AFTER the holidays. And it isn't just Christmas, either...  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Nine of the strangest recent forgery scandals in the art world.  (From Artnet News)

Terrifying archaeological discoveries -- including the 2,000-year-old body that refuses to rot. (Scientists think it has a lot to do with the 20 layers of silk that she was wrapped in. Hmmm...) From Cracked, who gave us more of same, if you're interested. (Like pits discovered, full of severed hands. Ironically, they're all 'righties.') Plus some weird scientific "we sure can't explain THIS" discoveries.

A bulldog coffee table!  (From The Graphics Fairy)

I don't live in a truck -- I just stay there. (From Inside the Box)

Trolls-inspired recipes... from our buddette, Betty Crocker. Including this rainbow cake roll:

Ol' Bett's got a list of restaurant-quality dishes that can be done in the crockpot, too.

Ten mysterious mosaics. Including Hagia Sophia's hidden angel, found only during restoration work...and a bunch of Roman stuff.  (From Listverse)

Caramel apple cheesecake. Oh my.  (From Crazy for Crust)

Simple-yet-unusual ideas for makeup, accessories, costumes for Halloween.  (From Apartment Therapy)

25 Cent Dinners for a Family of Six -- a free Amazon e-book by Juliet Corson. Granted, this book was first published in 1879, but it has some enormously helpful tips that still work today. It also has some interesting recipes, including Baked Pig's Head and Half-Pay Pudding. But for free, what can you quibble about?

Have a great week. 


Diane Harris, Stash Bandit said...

Hey Cindy, I always enjoy visiting to see what you're up to. I wonder if you could say here what the status of the second Hanky Panky book is. Did I miss it? Thank you!

Kind Regards,
Diane Harris

Cindy Brick said...

Diane, thanks for checking in!

I had a horrendous year in 2015 that pretty much took all the energy I had to fight, let alone keep up with life. Hanky Panky II was one of the things that had to be put on the back burner then, so I could get through it. But I'm back working on it now.

The Hanky Panky sequel, HANKY PANKY WITH A FLOURISH, is alive and well...and not quite finished. I hope to have it to the printer by January 1st.

We'll let you know when it's ready. I'm very pleased with how it's shaping up, so far!

Diane Harris, Stash Bandit said...

Oh that's the best news ever! I'll be anxiously awaiting its release. Vintage hankies keep wandering into my life and I'll never get tired of using them in your style of little quilts. I'm sorry you had a rough year but hopefully things will look up going forward. Take good care.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.