Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Hunting Report

In the Colorado boonies, that is.

The Brick is hunting both deer and elk in the Meeker/Craig area this week with friends Dan and Sharon, Tommy, and Tommy's son Chris.

This area is incredibly beautiful -- but dry. Until it rains -- then it's slogging through muddy roads that are easy to slip off. (And drop a few hundred feet or so.)

Remote, too. Their camp is in the lighter-colored area in the middle of the photo, down in the valley.

It rained two nights ago, which is a good thing -- rain often means snow at higher elevations, and that drives the animals down to lower levels. Meeker's at 6240 feet altitude..but the mountains nearby can easily go up to 13,000 feet or so. (Lest you think that sounds awfully high...we live at 6250 ft in Castle Rock. Even most of Denver is at 5280 ft. No big deal here in Colorado.)

The Brick and Tommy found a lovely area tucked away, which they later discovered was called Hidden Valley. For good reason, too.

It included caves:

And this unusual rock formation. Give it your own name!

But elk or deer? Only a few...and those were seen from a distance.


At least they've got wonderful scenery to inspire them.


Barbara said...

We were driving home from Deckers yesterday and stopped to admire a buck 2 hunters had got. They were taking photos of their prize. I hope your guys are successful!

Cindy Brick said...

Thanks, Barbara!

So far...nope. But we all have hopes.

Thanks for writing.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.