Friday, August 11, 2017

Seeing the Solar Eclipse

In case you've been hiding under a rock lately...
     Many parts of the world, U.S. included, are going to view a total eclipse on August 21st.

For our part of the country (the American West), the best place to experience goings-on is in Casper, Wyoming. At this point, you won't find lodging -- even camping, unless you're headed out to the boonies somewhere. (Daughter #1 put in camping reservations back in March -- and got the last two spots at the local campground.)

     Kansas City is another good spot. It's centrally located, has a ton of hotels, restaurants and such, and is easy to reach. (And leave from, assuming you're not headed out during rush hour.)

Whatever you try, don't miss it. Even if it's a partial eclipse. (Some good viewing tips are here.) Just don't stare for a long time -- even with sunglasses, you can damage your eyes. A total eclipse isn't worth blindness for the rest of your life.

A good warmup to the doings in a few weeks:
     the annual Perseid meteor shower tomorrow night (Aug. 12) and the 13th.

It's flashier some years more than others...but still fascinating. 

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