Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Catching Up - And Natal Celebrations

    We are making Progress.

    Ooh, that's a lovely word. The guest bath is done, and the master bath has a beautiful coating of tile by the tub. It still needs grouting, paint and such. But Son #1 is making...well, you know. The P word.
    We still have piles everywhere -- but I hope to change that when DAV makes a pickup this week. Also, I have a bunch of stuff headed for the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, as well.

     Only a little paperwork to go, business-wise. Granted, I need to start on another big appraising job this week, but feel certain I can fit it in without killing myself and staying up all night, every night. 
     This week, I'll concentrate on packing up quilts I plan to keep for the teaching/lecture schedule; extra books and kits; notions and tools; and fabrics and embellishments I plan to use in the future. These will all go into storage for now -- then we'll periodically stop by to refresh supplies. Some furniture is going in storage, as well, including folding shelves, a bookcase and a beautiful copper-inlaid armoire I just can't let go at present. 
     The trailer's been sitting in our kind neighbors' side yard while the dumpster was here. Now our Large Orange Friend is gone, I need to break up a small pile of wood and hose down the driveway. Then the trailer can move into the backyard -- and we can start packing it, as well.

Daughter #2's birthday was last Wednesday, the 3rd; Daughter #1's birthday is this coming Tuesday, the 8th. (No, we did not plan it this way.) We'll celebrate both their birthdays Wednesday night with a bang-up dinner, lots of presents...and probably two cakes, with candles lit the traditional way -- in the restaurant parking lot, standing by the car. We've done this so often that they've come to expect it...but try doing that during a rainstorm, or in the case of the Brick, whose birthday is in February, in a snowstorm! Chattering teeth can't sing 'Happy Birthday' very well. 

     A few mousey snaps -- including a big one Saturday afternoon, while I was working on this post. Thankfully, the invasion seems to have calmed down some. Generally, life seems a little calmer. We still have a lot of work to do -- but that's to be expected. Meanwhile:

Ten instances where a ghostly appearance changed the outcome. And it's not just Hamlet's dad, either.  (From Listverse) Also from them:

Ten trees with mystical histories.  

Ten amazing places you'd think were made up. (They aren't.) Like a castle covered with graffiti, right?

Five things banned because they were TOO effective.  (From Cracked)

Getting stuff done -- with the 20-second rule.  (From Funky Junk Interiors)

Twelve healthy crockpot freezer meals -- using veggies and fruit now that will be even more appreciated later. Plus an intriguing recipe for Peach Dump Cake. Peaches, cake mix, butter -- that's it!  (Thanks, New Leaf Wellness)

"Doing what I've always wanted to." A spirited and cheerful defense of homemaking at its best.  (From Diary of a Stay-At-Home Mom)

The secrets and scandals of Cher.  An intriguing group of bits about this talented singer/actress.

Ten fortune hunters who met an untimely death.  Including someone who disappeared near the area that Daughter #2, Son and I were digging!  (From Listverse)

An amazing jet landing -- completely blind, after the plane was in a hailstorm.

Are you responsible for your child's unauthorized credit card charges?  (From

"How I got free crap with fake reviews." Gives you lots of faith in the system, doesn't it...

Matt Boermeester has been railroaded out of USC.  Even when both he -- and his girlfriend Zoe Katz, the alleged victim -- said abuse allegations were false. Shame on USC, who should have dealt with this investigation far more carefully. More on this here.  I am still trying to understand why the Title IX office would have gotten involved with this in the first place.

J.K. Rowling dumps on President Trump for bypassing a disabled child in a wheelchair -- only it isn't true. (Rowling eventually apologized to the family and removed the tweets -- but was anything said to Trump? Naaahhhh....)

Fatboy ice cream sandwich sprinkle pops. Yum. (From Who Needs A Cape)

Ten truly weird mysteries of the Civil War...including a strange bacteria that made wounds glow.  (From Listverse)

Movies that were supposed to have sequels...and didn't. Including John Carter, which was actually quite terrific.  (From Looper) Add tv series to this one -- I'm still waiting for more on Jericho, The Philanthropist, and the one we just finished: The Mist.

Garlic fries with homemade chili sauce.  Oh my.  (From Poor Girl Eats Well)

"Cleaning up after the dog." I can relate -- we've had our share of accidents lately. (From Diary of A Stay-At-Home Mom)

Don Baylor, former coach of the Colorado Rockies, has died. His death was from multiple myeloma -- the same as my dad. An intelligent, interesting man.

A 3500-year-old lunchbox...found in the Swiss Alps. (From Unexplained Mysteries) Also from them:

A Viking treasure trove from Scotland -- 100 items from the 10th century, including an early silver cross, found in May with a metal detector. And:

An experiment in AI (artificial intelligence) has to be shut down -- after the AI invents its own language and starts talking to itself. Unfortunately, no one else can understand it.

Have a great week. Happy Birthday, girlies! Your father and I love you very much.

Happy Birthday, Daughters #1 and #2! You are a wonderful part of our life, and we love you.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...