Sunday, September 3, 2017

Monday (ok, Sunday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Fall?

     Is autumn coming earlier than usual this year? 

    It's cooled down...well, at least at night. (It can still blaze during the day.)
     The dogs are going into a new round of shedding, for their winter coats. (Based on all the hair lost lately, I may be, too.)
     I haven't heard a hummingbird in at least a week - maybe two. Normally, they stay around until Labor Day. 
     The Rockies are beginning to win again. (They do this, just before the season ends, to bring our hopes up.)
     The Broncos are winning - period. At the beginning of their season. (See earlier statement. They like to tease us into hopefulness, too.)
     It just 'feels' unsettled around here -- as if the weather's changing. 
     On the other hand, our flowers and herbs are still blooming away. The tomatoes I planted a few months ago are finally filled with blossoms -- just in time for the first frost, no doubt. I should be more optimistic, but have seen this happen over and over. After all, we live at 6250 feet altitude. What else should I expect? 

Makes you wonder.

Leaves are starting to turn...but just a touch.
Since you're probably off for the weekend, Gentle Readers, I thought I'd post this a day early, so you have time to enjoy it. Lots of links this time around -- plenty is happening!

Don't forget: other places are dealing with heavy flooding,. It's not just Texas. Please consider ways you can help...Salvation Army is a good place to start. Meanwhile:

The nurse who did her job (correctly, it turns out) -- and got arrested for it.

Redoing your backyard just a day. (From No Pressure Life)  She's got some interesting organizing ideas, too. A little cutesy at times, but interesting.

Labor day musings....including the value of work well done, even if it's not 'fabulous.'  (From Surviving and Thriving)

15 backsplash ideas that are easy and decorative. Maybe even for a bathroom... (From Hometalk)

Six celebrities that were (and still are) terrible neighbors.  Well, maybe not George Clooney... (From Cracked)

How did museums in the Houston area prepare for the storm? Very, very carefully. (Too bad others were not quite so detailed.)

Something really rare: a golden lobster!

A U.S. Postal worker from Aurora, CO fakes cancer for two years, takes a boatload of sick leave...and almost makes it to her retirement before she's busted. (She misspelled the doctor's name on a note -- oops.) One of her punishments? Community service of 625 hours -- as much as the hours of sick leave she fraudulently took. Good for the judge. In keeping with that:

21 famous fakes and hoaxes, courtesy of MSN. Oh yes, and...

OJ Simpson just got his parole granted last month.

"I own Jack Ryan now!" Tom Clancy's widow goes to court.  And who's she fighting for this issue? Clancy's ex-wife. What a mess. (This one should interest any writers among you, Gentle Readers -- do you own your own characters, or not? Dickens said that his books' characters often refused to do what he wanted them to...)

The sign language interpreter on stage at Nelson Mandela's memorial service a few years ago was...a fake!  Yes, Mandela died back in 2013, but I just discovered this, and thought you might have missed it, too.
    (The 'interpreter' acknowledged that he was signing nonsense, by the way. He said he had a schizophrenic episode, due to stress, and was trying to play the sympathy card.)

Five important skills that are close to being lost forever.  Including the ability to weave "sea silk," a golden fabric woven from... clam spit!  (From Cracked)

Your opinion: it's not just what you think, it's how you say it. Another foray into the world of Disagreeing With Respect.  (From Money Beagle)

President Reagan's favorite White House ghost story. 

President Grant's banner quilt.  (From Civil War Quilts)

Torn jeans, rationing milk and growing sprouts -- getting by when you need to. (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Ten criminals who sued their victims. Sadly, a few of them won. (From Listverse)

Build a wardrobe around six scarves? Well, maybe if they're Hermes.  (From The Vivienne Files)

An incredible (and rare) interview with both Steve Martin and Robin Williams:

Celtic symbols and their meanings.  (From Irish Central)

Have a fun holiday week. Enjoy it now --colder weather is not that far away.

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Close the Door... Were You Born in a Barn??

 No doubt somebody's mom said it about this one, too.