Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Peaches, Peaches, Peaches

      Our recent trip to Palisade left us with a pleasure and a burden: 15 boxes of peaches that, due to their ripeness, had to be eaten up, canned or put in the freezer -- stat. 
     We filled neighbors' orders, gave away some. Five boxes remained, all in increasing states of ripeness -- except now we were getting a lot of fuzz patches, too. 
      Guess what I've been doing all weekend? 

A location scout for the Netflix tv series Narcos is found murdered:  riddled with bullets, in his car in Hidalgo...just as the drugrunners series plans to focus on the Mexican drug cartels. How much do you wanna bet the two events are related?

A trip down memory car lane...what vehicles have you owned? Which ones do you wish you still had?  (From Kevin and Ruth)

A coyote gets a ride in a car grill...for twenty miles on the highway!   Surprisingly, the little guy was released unharmed.
    Another entry from the Department of 'Ewww:'

A monster 'fatberg' is found, clogging up one of London's Victorian-era sewers.  It's estimated to weigh as much as 10 double-decker busses. (Yes, it took a while to remove.)

An English custodian finds a medieval treasure trove...buried on his school's playground.

"Ten easy things I do to save money."  (From Money Beagle)

What to do with that big windfall... inheritance, home sale, whatever.  How do you invest it wisely? (From Financial Samurai)

Dozens of birthday freebies.  (From The Frugal Girls)

Decor decisions that made them proud.  Including this colorwashed cutlery. (From Domino) 

Seventeen holiday souvenirs that don't require a lot of $$.  (From The Simple Dollar)

Slow cooker beef & broccoli. Sounds delicious.  (From Hundred Dollars A Month)

Also, don't miss her latest installment of random goodness around the Web, including a mattress store owner who gave 1,000 people a place to sleep (good for him!), a suitcase cover of your head (I am not making this up)...and Handerpants.

From 9/11's anniversary:

*Ten raw videos from the day.
*Ten famous people who avoided death that day.  (Both from Listverse)

*Watermelon molasses:  what it is, and why you should try it!  (I'd never heard of this, either.)

One-pot taco casserole.  I'm all for easy AND good, nowadays. (From Crazy for Crust)

Have a good week -- go eat some peaches!

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.