Sunday, August 4, 2019

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Getting Back in the Swing of Things

     We've reverted back to our old pattern -- tidy up the house, mow the yard and water the flowers...then scurry back to the 5th wheel and 'hide' while the house is shown. In between, we work on the garage and some fixit chores...and I catch up on my work. 
     Sadly, it's meant that we probably won't make it to Michigan for The Mama's birthday Aug. 16. But we held the Partay, and can celebrate the girlies birthdays, as well. (Both Daughter #1 and #2 have August birthdays.)
     Maintenance work isn't too exciting -- but someone's got to do it. 

* * * * * * *
What a heartbreaking weekend -- I have got to believe that their families and friends had a clue these people were a danger. (In fact, there are strong indications of that for the Dayton shooter, who made sure his sister was among the victims before police took him out.) 
     Even for this pro-gun-owning person, it seems clear. We need:

*Stronger checks for those purchasing firearms
*More care taken to have security around. (Concealed weapons + background checks + free tickets for those who are 'carrying' would only help.) 
*Why are assault rifles still being sold...

We've had so many hot, muggy days across the country -- I have to believe that this is contributing. People who were frustrated beforehand just get crabbier with the heat.
                                                                                                          * * * * * * * * *

From -- via Pinterest

Every time this canine superhero shows up on the tv screen, his doggie fan goes nuts!

Nine tips for talking to anybody about anything. (From the Intelligent Conversationalist)

Seven friends who bought a mansion together -- for them to retire to.

Daredevils who died -- you can't say much more than that.

Hal Prince died July 31. His name doesn't sound familiar? He was one of the geniuses behind shows like Cabaret, West Side Story and Phantom of the Opera. An amazing guy, surprisingly humble about his flops, as well as his successes. He will be missed.

The same dress -- worn 365 different ways. See all the looks in five minutes. (From the Uniform Project)

Property guardianship -- one option for cheap or nonexistent rent.  (From The Escape Artist)

Snowplows, saving money -- and peanut butter sandwiches. (From Misadventures of Widowhood)

Funny texts from dads everywhere.

A living statue street festival in Belgium.  If you've ever seen these people...they can be a tad unnerving. Especially when they move suddenly.  ("Did I really see that?")

Ten strange ways people kept themselves from being assassinated.  One, the king of Morrocco, told the people to stop firing -- because he was already dead! (He wasn't. Thanks, Listverse)

"Embracing where we are and being patient." Ooh, I can relate.  (From Coffee with Kate)

How to freshen up your kitchen or bathroom grout -- for just a few bucks.  (From Hometalk)

Homemade lemonade concentrate.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Other people have things they don't understand So glad I'm not the only one.

Update on the Par-Tay:  It really turned out well, especially considering 1) the Brick still is not feeling well; 2) it was very hot, and 3) our guests didn't always know each other. In spite of some cancellations, we still had around 40 people stop by. They wandered around the old place ('Wow, this doesn't look anything like when you lived here'), admired the floors (which really are beautiful) and toured the new place.
      The food held out just fine. In fact, we have leftovers for most of the week. Lots of animated talking, and a few hours of wonderful music. It's nice to have friends who play.  It was a great way to tell people that we loved them, and let them say goodbye: to the house, not us.

Have a great week.


Lori said...

Thank you. You just posted what this liberal (gun disliking) democrat person has said for a long time. More stringent, complete background checks, less assault weapons and large volume shooters. Common sense gun control.

Cindy Brick said...

I also believe in common sense gun control, Lori. But I do NOT believe in taking guns away -- period. There are many responsible gun owners out there that you will never hear anything about.

Take your weapons of defense away, then try to protect yourself?! That's not common sense at all.

Thanks so much for writing. Glad you did.

Lori said...

Hi Cindy - I live with one of those responsible gun owners (is lived with him for nearly 3 years - and had dated for another 4 or so before seeing his very safely stored guns. I also have responsible gun owners for kids (two carried guns as armored car company employees, and my son in law is a police officer). The only place where guns should be taken away is when a person is a risk to themselves or others. Unfortunately there are enough bad apples to start to taint the good. And that isn’t good for anyone!

While You're At It...

 Don't forget an apology to the fiancee, as well. Bored Panda, you naughty thing, you.