Monday, August 26, 2019

UFOs, Here We Come!

Wanna try something completely different?

Social media types are urging people to meet up on the outskirts of Area 51, out in the boonies of Nevada, on September 20 this year. Then, at a command (Trumpets? A whistle? Flags, like the Indy 500? A gunshot, like the Oklahoma land race?), everyone is going to storm the fences, on the supposition that at least some will make it through.

And then they'll finally solve the mystery of whether Area 51 houses alien spacecraft or not.
    In fact, the first raid has already happened.

I'm not making this up. Plenty of UFO enthusiasts believe the government is Up to No Good at this secretive base. In fact, they denied for years that it even existed. 'Storm Area 51: They Can't Stop All of Us' is set to prove them wrong.

The towns nearby aren't sure what to think. They'll be grateful for the extra tourism dollars, of course.  (I'm not so sure the hunters will feel the same way. If Nevada's anything like Colorado, that's smack in the middle of first season.) But will all the million-plus people who pledged to attend actually find something... or even show up, in the first place?

My Air Force brother-in-law thinks this is hilarious, in a weird conspiracy theory sort of way. Me, I don't have a clue. But this part of Nevada does seem to have more than its share of odd lights and strange occurrences in the sky. Maybe the conspiracy guys are right.

Synchronize your watches -- September 20's the day. 


Cheapchick said...

I am sure they will be successful at storming the fence but not much more than that :) Seems a little crazy to me, likely all the good stuff will be locked away on another site by then

Cindy Brick said...

Who knows, they might make it! The question remains: will we believe them, though, if they do...

Thanks for writing -- glad you're back!


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