Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monday (er, Tuesday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: What A Mess

     I am certain I am not the only person on the planet SICK AND TIRED of the arguing going on about the impeachment inquiry. Not only could each political party member listen to the exact same testimony, and come to totally different conclusions -- how in the world is that?!? -- but the level of rudeness and snottiness, from people accusing President Trump of same, was incredible. (Those praising him weren't far behind.) The crowning moment: when Chairman Schiff just 'happened' to bring up President Nixon -- several times -- in his finishing remarks. 
     Mr. Schiff, why didn't you bring up President Clinton -- who was nearly impeached -- while you were at it? The obvious answer: he was a Democrat. But lots of people would hopefully identify Trump with Nixon, and Nixon with Trump...or so Mr. Schiff was hoping. 

     After all the insults and allegations, there were so many "I overheard this," "I think this" and "my feelings were hurt" remarks that you could drown in them. Secret memo to the Democrats (and some Republicans too): this isn't making any of you look too good. Having it drag on is making things worse.

But ha ha -- the joke's on me. More hearings are scheduled.

This is just getting ridiculous. Finish it already. 

(And here, by the way, is the whistleblower's original complaint. Take a look.)

* * * * * * *

Here's another mess for your perusal:
*The Pittsburgh Steeler player who was suspended after he ripped off the opposing quarterback's helmet off and smacked him with it...has that suspension upheld. (He says the quarterback made a "racial slur" just before he snapped. Is that possible, given the hot blood flowing during the Steelers/Browns game? Sure seems possible to me...though the quarterback denies it.)

And why not a delicious mess! Poor Girl Eats Well's spicy beef and sweet potato tacos fits the bill. Yams are on sale this week in Colorado; I need to get some. (I did...several pounds worth.)


Was Jimmy Hoffa's body stuffed in a drum and buried in a New Jersey landfill? This guy says yess -- and has evidence to back him up.

An unusual double Viking boat burial -- with the second boat added a century later!

A guy documenting the flooding in Venice takes a selfie...and a header! Yes, to my shame (not), I laughed...

*A story that made our previous president look bad -- quickly deleted by the U.S.'s two main news services, once they realized the date, and which administration it involved. Hmmm...

A bunch of very cool life hacks. The best -- how to charge a dead cellphone with a beer can and your car battery.  (From Cracked)

'Now Hear This:' an absolutely amazing 4-part series about famous composers, moderated by Scott Yoo, a talented violinist and conductor of Mexico City Philharmonic. Did you wonder why Handel, Vivaldi, Bach and Scarlatti composed as they did? Why did they choose certain themes, who did they admire (and incorporate into their own work), why did they choose the instruments they did? We watched the Bach and Vivaldi episodes, every second, and learned a lot. The series ran on PBS' Great Performances, but is also available online and on Amazon Prime -- go here for episodes and more.

The confused candy crook -- one in a series of 'Gas Station Encounters' with shoplifters and general weirdos that can draw you right in. Most people don't realize that the station attendants have cameras all over the store. In other words, they can SEE you, even when you're a few aisles over!
     I thought about this on our recent flying trip to Colorado. One morning in Nebraska, I found myself staring at the potato chip section -- for at least five minutes. No doubt the manager wondered what this odd person was doing over there. (I was tired.)

Dreams about money -- what do they mean?  Not sure I agree with everything here, but it's interesting, nonetheless... (From One Frugal Girl)

A New York City subway employee has been collecting paychecks since 2015...and not working a lick for them, since he was fired back then! (He says he didn't know he'd been fired. It's payroll's fault, anyways.)

An interesting and extremely thorough look at Hunter Biden. His past, present and possible future, including a new child whose paternity he denied. (The DNA test disagreed.) Double hmmm...

Opening Richard III's coffin. In case you're wondering, this is the British king who was found under a parking lot:

An elderly Utah woman refuses to sell her home to a lowball offer...so the guy moves in, anyways. And changes the locks, among other things.

How to pay for an elderly loved one's care...and cover their finances, as well. (From The Simple Dollar) Also from them:

Cost-effective ways to deal with winter blues (i.e., seasonal affective disorder).

Ten make-em-yourself Christmas tree ornaments that don't cost a bunch.  (From The Frugal Girl)

Diving under the ice in Antarctica. It's busier down there than you think...

Kevin and Ruth are starting their second Mexico trip, leading a group. I really enjoy (and learn from) these Canadian RVers.  (From Travel with Kevin and Ruth)

And finally:

Kitty cuddles up to her husky buddy.  At least something comforting is out there in this big confused world.

Have a great week. 

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.