Monday, November 4, 2019

Things I Don't Understand: The Travel Edition

     We're hanging out in Michigan with The Mama through November, then heading to Tucson in early December. We'll be back at our friend's place for Christmas...then on to the world cruise on New Year's Eve! 
     In keeping with all that wandering about, and since it's one of my favorite subjects:

Here's the latest crop of travel-related Things I Don't (Or Don't Want to) Understand. See if you agree.

Then again, I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, either.

Hang out naked in the park at Munschen -- legally. Gee, just what I came to Munich for. If you're bored there, the blogger gives you the top 5 places in the world to be naked. (The blogger in question characterizes himself as "recovering from mental problems." Really.)

In our case, it was a wasp. Pure mayhem.

Don't bother. Just throw things at them, like everyone else.

Gee, could you fit anyone else into this area??

And in honor of our most recent holiday:

Just makes you want to get out and about, doesn't it. Don't miss on the other TIDU post related to travel: The Aliens Version. After all, they've been traveling a long time..and they're not griping!

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.