Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Living On A Ship At Sea

     When you’re doing a world cruise, it takes a while to get places. In our case, we’ve got seven days of traveling at sea across the Atlantic before we bump up against South America.

     It’s a real sacrifice.

     Sleep in and get up whenever you feel like it – or there’s a good lecture going on. (We’ve heard two so far: one about Vikings, and another about a famous Chinese treasure fleet.) Stroll up for lunch – try not to pig out, because tea is in another few hours, and you’re bound to want a cookie or two. The food has a heavy British flavor – ‘bangers and mash’ (sausages and mashed potatoes with gravy) are a big favorite – but generally there’s at least one good dish, along with the inevitable curry, and big platters of sliced fruit and veggies. Bread pudding, in any number of forms accompanied by vanilla sauce, is a big seller, too. (I still need to try the ‘sticky toffee’ pudding made this way.)

     In the afternoon, there’s a movie – or three movies that repeat, over and over, on tv. We may lounge by the pool (water’s too cold to swim yet) or soak in the hot tub, with the waves going placidly by. Then a nap before the evening’s show – and a nicer meal in the restaurant, with multiple courses. Our dinner companions have been, with one (German) exception, British, Welsh, Irish – particularly Scottish. (Why the frugal Scots, I wonder. This cruise isn’t exactly dollar-light.)  This has made for interesting discussions, especially about Brexit, which just went into effect in the United Kingdom, and our President – the source of much curiosity from our friends over the pond.

      We usually stop after supper to hear a wonderful Ukranian violinist and her pianist, in the main atrium. Returning to the room, our bed’s made and everything tidy, with the next day’s schedule neatly printed and ready to read. Maybe an after-dinner tot or cookie, then bed.

      It’s a burden…but someone’s got to do it.


Barbara said...

What an interesting life you are living right now! Thanks for the descriptions. My imagination is filling it all in. Would love to hear that violinist in the evenings.

It sounds like you're in a movie - a very nice one.

sewcrazy said...

Hey Cindy - I hope you and The Brick are doing well on your cruise. Stay safe and healthy!


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.