Saturday, April 1, 2023

Monday (er, Saturday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Break-ing

     Here we are -- taxes are done, reports (mostly) done, moved out of the house, back into the fifth-wheel. 

     And we're exhausted. 

    A trip to the ER last night (for the Brick's kidney stone, thankfully now past--get it?) cemented things: it's time to step back and take a break. So you might not be hearing much from me in the next few weeks. 

     We're here -- just tired. And I will step in now and again...just not as much. 


A CNN editorial -- 'Trump's indictment answers a nearly 50-year-old question.'

"And if the nation fails to continue the long process of reestablishing the important standard of accountability, we will be perpetually trapped by the perils of an imperial presidency that holds commanders-in-chief to a different legal standard than all other Americans."

Wanna talk about the OTHER political elephant in the room? Team Biden may come to regret this...

He's lived there 45 years. And in spite of a commercial zone growing up around him, he doesn't want to move. 

Homemade mozzarella cheese?  (From Little House Living)

'Ludicrously large' things people (including governments and the military) have lost.

Does hanging pennies in a bag really keep flies away?

What's one of the kickers that defines a true DaVinci painting?

A woman sells a designer purse for $7500. (She found it for a buck online.)

How are doctors (and others) in the U.S. actually doing? An interesting survey from White Coat Investor.

Funny cat and dog names. We had a never-ending parade of farm cats that my mom took to naming after whatever author I was studying in college at the time. My favorite was "Alexander Poop," but I'm not sure "Dostoyevsky" ever came when she was called.

     After I married the Brick, we took to naming our cats after hitmen...mostly Italian ones. "Vinnie" was a sleek black manster who could take out any mouse within grabbing distance. I loved him dearly, but our Weimaraners didn't think much of him.

A dusty painting stashed behind the door 'because it was a fake' turns out to be a long-lost Breughel masterpiece.

A scientist lives underwater for 100 days -- to see what happens, especially to muscle tone. 

Paul Newman's rolexes -- found in a desk drawer by his daughter. (They're going up for auction in June -- and expected to fetch millions.)

Six highway construction workers wiped out in Maryland. Did you hear about this? It was largely missed in all the news about the Nashville school shootings.

An interview with Darlene Trappier. I won't say anything else -- you should read more of this outstanding woman.

The people in Toms River have been giving away free food since Covid -- they're up to 400 boxes a week. And helping thousands. 

'Weird foods that prove baby boomers have no taste.'  Including tuna casserole?!? (I'll agree about the aspic.)

The first eaglet of 2023 hatches in this live cam nest. I have been watching the Reeds City, CA eagles nest for weeks, hoping to see their (second) egg hatch. Sadly, it broke -- no one is sure what happened. But the eagles knew...

'Make your partner happier by being cheap.' The Brick must be thrilled!  (From Retire by 40)

Celebrities who tried to run around the IRS -- and paid for it.

The true (and sad) story of Typhoid Mary.

'Weird Secondhand Finds:' I love this quirky Facebook page on Weird Stuff People Find At Garage Sales/Thrift Shops, etc. You might, too. (They do have a strange fixation on hippos, and measure a lot of things by including a banana in the picture.)

News anchors who died tragically.

Babylon Bee 'joke' stories -- 100 of them -- that actually came true! I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified.

Two New Orleans high school students think they've proved the Pythagoras theorem, using trigonometry.  Don't ask me to prove it -- I barely made it through high school algebra.

A scrap of tartan is found -- one of Scotland's oldest, dating from the 16th century.

What Mark and Cindy Hill did with their huge lottery win. 

Have a good (coming) week. Or two.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...