Sunday, December 17, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Here, There...And Somewhere Else

      Christmas is coming... right?  The Brick has been sick. Our weather stays cold, sunny and occasionally snowy. Apparently we passed some sort of deer test -- because a few have come right up to the house. (One saw me staring at her from the office window, and the grass literally dropped out of her mouth in shock: "Oh crap...") I trudge along, unloading boxes and sacks of Stuff from the fifth-wheel, working on reports (including a really frustrating photos problem) and wrapping presents now and then. Fortunately, there aren't that many left to do. I might even make a few cookies...who knows.

     We've watched some Christmas movies. Listened to music. But we'll be here by ourselves on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Daughter #1 goes to Boulder with her partner, and Daughter #2 and Son #1 have to work. (sigh) It's supposed to snow here, anyways. Meanwhile, we'll head to Denver ourselves earlier in the week to see friends; I have two appraisal jobs to do, as well. Shoot, we might even be able to drop off Christmas gifts to both sets of kids, while we're at it. 

     Sometimes odd holiday seasons just happen. We will get to do the Seven Fish Dishes next week with the kids, and have a proper celebration. 


Thirty-eight 'forgotten' Christmas movies worth watching. (Really?? Many of these are familiar.) And...

Thirty unconventional Christmas movies. (Die Hard, one of our favorites, is on the list.)

Jimmy and John Christmas prank each other. 

More here. Silly men (and women).

Food Network's very favorite Christmas cookies. 

Including these gingerbread men 'mug mates.' Cute, huh...

Portuguese custard cupcakes.
Otherwise known as queijadas.

What are the King and Queen of England having for Christmas lunch?  Now you know...

The deputy chief for the British Museum resigns, after a BUNCH of artifacts go missing, others are damaged...and some show up for sale on Ebay.  Oopsies...

A sort-of recap of latest discoveries from the Franklin Expedition, including hairs from a hairbrush (DNA discoveries?) and a fingerprint in sealing wax. DNA also helped identify at least one skeleton found on King William Island. More here, too.   (Yes, I'm a bit of a nut about this subject.)
What living in California's 'Slab City' is like. This offgrid group of trailers, RVs, etc. is intriguing (and pretty lawless).

The Tiktok swindler who has had several 'lives' (and multiple scams) -- and apparently is still out there doing it. Scary.

A baby survives a tornado -- found in a tree! Fortunately, the rest of his family was ok, too, with minor injuries.

Spoiled people -- as in REALLY spoiled people.

Secret weapons to keeping yourself out of debt -- an old classic from yours truly.

Real German lebkuchen you can make yourself -- one of the best Christmas cookies in the world.

Christmas tree mini-quiches.  Happy Kitchen.Rocks, you've outdone yourself on this one!

Why "STENDEC?"  Why did a plane crew, about to crash, repeat the word twice? This mystery has been partially solved, after years of searching.

Mickey Mouse -- at least the early version -- will be public property in Jan. 2024. (The copyright's lapsed.) Boy, I'm guessing that Disney is pissed. They've been trying to argue for ages that Mickey should continue to belong to them.

This version -- 1928's Steamboat Willie

An avalanche down Mount Washington's 'Airplane Alley,' a NH White Mountains landmark. (The guy is alive, but barely...)

Eighteen ways to decorate for Christmas -- on a budget. Including this cute 'gingerbread' doormat.

Historic artifacts found by accident.

Now they say it's a real Rembrandt! (This painting was said to be a student work, instead.)

 Fourteen macho actors -- who really were.   Plus:

One hundred left-handed celebritiesI're not that interested. Unless, that is, you're also a leftie. (Which I am.)

One of the strangest sea creatures ever filmed near a drilling rig:

A dozen odd Appalachian critters you may not have heard of... including the Not Deer...

One of Hermes' older patriarchs wants to adopt his gardener -- so he can split his billions-of-dollars inheritance with him!

Flocking your tree or Christmas wreath. Especially nice, if you live in a warmer climate...and snow is scarce. Or make a DIY tree -- from garlands and an umbrella stand.

"Why secondhand stuff is more expensive."  Well, yes...but it really depends on what that stuff is.  (From Bitches Get Riches)

A 103-year-old WWII veteran shares his secrets for a long life.

Another look at a Portuguese Christmas tradition: El Caganer. (Sorry, you'll have to click to find out.)

The cottage where Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein is up for sale.  Lord Byron's Picadilly mansion is up for sale, too.

A huge pilosaur skull, found on a beach cliff in Great Britain.

No passport, visa or tickets...yet he got on a flight from Copenhagen to Los Angeles. How did he do it?

A very funny story (for us Hollanders, actually) of a dog's 'leftovers' feeding the family for weeks!

Funniest pet videos of 2023 -- more than an hour's worth!

Scottish shortbread - now you can make it yourself.

An interesting recap of three university presidents' testimony on anti-Jewish demonstrations. 

What to do when your best-laid plans go bad.  An interesting reader case from Miillenial Revolution.

Homemade gift ideas.  (From The Reid Homestead)

Upside-down Christmas trees...are an old European tradition? 

Drawing inspiration from the Middle Ages, the benedictine monk, Saint Boniface revolutionized home decor with an unexpected twist. Hanging fir trees upside-down in households was seen as a representation of the Holy Trinity and soon became popular all across Europe – especially among working and lower-class citizens who didn’t have much room to spare.

Have a good week. 

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries