Friday, December 8, 2023

Things I Don't Understand: Christmas Revisited

 It's time for another stimulating edition of "Things I Don't Understand." And there are a lot of them, Gentle Readers. Especially at Christmastime. So pack up your wild family stories, Christmas comics -- have a sit and see if you agree. 

Merry Christmas, indeed.

What do ducks want for Christmas? Voila...

And if you have a leg to decorate, rather than a sweater...

"Okay, you take that string, and I'll take this one..."

Why do a tree, when you can decorate your animals, instead?

Or yourself...

A quick cuteness break -- 

I'm not quite sure what's going on here -- but it's supposed to be Christmas-related.
Perhaps going to Grandma's house??

This is just plain weird. 

Got a statue? Got a hat? You know what to do...

Um -- muchas grassias?

And finally:

And to all a good night.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries