Ray and Faye Copeland killed five drifters at their Missouri farm during the 1980s. When they were convicted of the murders, Ray was 76-years-old and Faye was 69-years-old, which made them the oldest couple in America to receive the death penalty.
Ray was well-known for his fraudulent schemes, he hired the drifters to buy cattle with fake checks. Once the cattle had been bought, Ray would re-sell the livestock at a much higher price and then kill off the drifter. They were finally caught when one drifter spotted human remains at the farm and he reported this to the police.
Faye’s lawyers claimed that she had nothing to do with the murders and she was psychologically abused by her husband. She said, “I begged (Ray) time and time again to please stay out of trouble. We had our home and everything paid for. So why would he turn around and mess all that up just like he has?” That was until they discovered she had made a quilt out of the clothing belonging to the dead men. They both died behind bars.
Both the Brick and yours truly haven't felt good all week.
It was inevitable, considering all the people that were sick at church. We got breathed on -- a lot -- and started feeling puny soon after. We've also had Christmas and after-Christmas visits from the kids. I wouldn't trade that for all the health in the world...but it sure took the stuffing out of us.
We have friends coming by Monday... then will rest. Thankfully, we are starting to feel better.
Not much...still using the Brick's computer, instead of my own.
President Jimmy Carter died today -- age 100. A very interesting and highly-principled man.
But the Brick and I have been together, in good times and bad, for all of those years. (Actually, 43 1/2.) And I wouldn't trade a single one of them away.
Still plugging away, trying to get everything caught up before the end of the week. I'll bet you are, too! Learning how to use the Brick's computer has taken some time, as well. (Mine is still on the fritz.)
Here's hoping you're looking forward to a restful, peaceful holiday week. We deserve it, after all the election brouhaha.
Burned to death in a subway car -- just because someone flicked a lighter near your clothes? That's what happened to this poor woman. P.S. They caught the guy -- a Guatamalen migrant. (sigh)
This 1962 film has resonated with me ever since it aired in a college class. It reminds me that the almighty $$ is not the most important thing...and many live on a much lower income than most of us.
It's also charming.
Marie Marc is the star, by the way. A wonderful actress.
Why you haven't heard much from the Brick house lately -- my 'w' and '2' keys are now permanently stuck. The Brick took my laptop apart, which took a few days of careful fussing and Youtube videos. (And some deserved lectures on not eating while I'm typing.) Unfortunately, the replacement keyboard was the wrong size! So I wait...
He generously is loaning me his laptop, but that means no news sites (he's installed ad blockers) and a long, involved process to get to e-mail and the blog. His computer is quite different than mine. I'm figuring it out, though. And eventually I'll have my laptop back. Probably around the new year.
.....processed a poor little doe that ran into our truck. Fortunately, it happened quickly --she didn't suffer. (You feel terrible -- but there's not much to do except salvage the meat. These recipes should come in handy.)
Son #1, the Great Hunter, got a deer and antelope recently. He used licenses, instead of a vehicle.
..... ground up a big pork roast, too. Ground beef is running about $4 a pound here. I got the roast at a quarter of that price. Six pounds of taco meat -- yum! The meaty bone is headed to the crockpot for green chili.
.... tidied up the kitchen. Gave Ruby some Very Big Bones to enjoy. Our front yard once again looks like Cannibal Alley.
.....did laundry.
....cleaned and vacuumed out dog hair (ergh) and hunting dirt from the Jeep our friend loaned us, since the truck got stuck. (The truck needed repairs, too.) This process took nearly three hours. I also cleaned off the mud clumps and smears off the exterior.
....cleaned up the meat grinder and attachments, repacked everything. (Another loan from our friend.)
Past sunset by this time. Loaded Ruby in the truck, and drove off to return the Jeep. (Ironically, the Brick nearly hit another doe, heading out. The deer are moving a lot at dusk.)
A long and busy week is gratefully finished, including a potluck today and a candlelight concert -- 17 songs played by yours truly, the Brick and friends Bob (drums), Bert (guitar and bass) and Rebekah (vocals). Yes, we had a long nap afterwards.
This week is finishing up more reports, plus cleaning and returning the Jeep our friend generously loaned us. (So grateful for that.) Plus starting to decorate for the holidays.
Kekfesto -- a beautiful blue-printed fabric from Hungary that greatly resembles old 19th century prints. (Reminds me a lot of the South African indigoes Nancy Kirk used to offer at the then-Kirk Collection.) Learn more about it at this museum.
(I am still having trouble with my 'w' key -- it's amazing that you can think of substitutes that don't use this letter.)
Still on the job -- and making progress, though not as quickly as I'd hoped. I did have to call a restoration client and tell them their quilt needs more time. The rush of relief I experienced helped propel me on to the next report. Yay!
The Brick and I have been working on a Candlelight Concert, to be held at Calvary Blanca (in Blanca, CO, naturally) next Sunday afternoon. Our friend Bert is coming to help, and the rest of the team members are helping out, too. (If you haven't heard Rebekah sing "O Holy Night," you've missed out. Big-time.) It will be a quiet time of reflection, enjoying traditional old and new carols in the glow of candlelight. (Sunday, Dec. 15 -- 1:30 p.m., Calvary Blanca )
Meanwhile, while the 'w' is sort of working:
I forgot to mention Michigan's victory over Ohio State last week. Gooooo, Blue!!!!
The Colorado Buffs won, too! Both teams victorious at the same time?? This happens so rarely that we seriously thought the world might be ending.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The importance of passing the Social Security Fairness Act -- it's passed the House, and headed to the Senate. For those of us (like the Brick) putting in decades of employment in non-public positions...then going to teaching, driving bus, working at a college, etc. -- Social Security considers the public stuff a "windfall" and docks your non-public years accordingly. In our case, this meant roughly $800 gone every single month. The Brick, and many others, put in their time faithfully -- and served our schoolkids faithfully, too. Should they be punished for it?
This bill fixes that inequity. Please contact your state's senators and ask them to vote for it! Public servants everyhere say thank you for considering this.
I went to school at the University of Michigan. (Go Blue!) In Ann Arbor, I lived in the attic of a professor and his lawyer wife. In return for room and breakfast, I kept their house clean, babysat their daughter...and walked the dog at noon, if I wanted lunch, as well. They were kind and intelligent people, and this little farm girl learned much from them.
I grew up with this kind of Nativity.
In fact, I just bought a similar set for $10 at the Treasures thrift store...so we could have one this year. (My previous sets are still in the Michigan storage trailer. There was no chance to make it there this year, thanks to storms, a broken-down truck and both our Election commitments. We hope to make it in the spring.)
My Ann Arbor family, on the other hand, had dozens of figures under their Christmas tree, doing all sorts of things, besides the usual Holy Family figures. It's the Italan version of the Nativity -- and every year at Christmas, you add another piece.
I admired these so much, but never thought it possible to have my version. Thanks to a great buy on Ebay, I do! Nearly 60 Italian figures, in three different sizes, doing everything from fishing to spinning. There's even a bum or so. (Don't ask -- I haven't a clue.)
Baby Jesus has an extra manger, too. Go figure.
Did I get them for a good price? Put it in this manner --
'My First Nativity Set' is ON SALE for $154.99 at the Fontanini store. (Fontanini is one of the best-known Italian makers of this style.)
A poultry shop? $85 -- and that's on Ebay, not the Fontanini site.
The carpenter's shop on Ebay is a bargain at $66; it includes the carpenter.
I'd love this little thatched roof wine shop, but it's not for sale. (I couldn't afford it, anyways.)
Maybe I can make one.
This set doesn't include my old friend The Squatter...and there's no stable. (No problem with the latter -- I already have two.) Mary's not around, either. (Maybe shopping?) But considering the prices...guess I didn't do that badly, after all.
I'll display the largest figures with pine branches, lights and other goodies, around the thrift shop set. The other sizes also have their special place.
But sooner or later, the girlies will be here visiting -- and Things Will Change.
Another odd month in a series...but things did get accomplished. Sadly, I am too tired to remember much...but the Hits & Misses explain a lot. Some purchases made for Christmas -- but I tried to cut back, in order to pay for more truck repairs. (sigh) November -- sometimes memorable, sometimes not.
Don't buy stuff you can't afford?!? A strange concept.
*A $50 bookcase, thanks to Marketplace. Cleaned up, it looks great in my office -- and solves the piles of stacked books I had hanging around.
*Flowers from the Brick - including a dozen yellow roses he got for $1.40!
*Baked a pumpkin. I scooped the pulp out, mashed it via the immersion blender and it became part of our Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. Also made: a pecan pie (using Amish grocery pecans) and ''Dutch envelopes,' featuring our friend's apricot jam. (Recipes coming soon)
*Tried hard to use up leftovers -- and did better. The Brick used some for his Monday night suppers, and Ruby took care of the rest. (Spoiled dog.)
That's me!
*Free wall calendars from several sources. I also snagged a Monet blank journal ($1.50!) for use as my calendar book for 205.
*Donated two Operation Christmas Child boxes, using thrift shop buys and stuff from the present box I already had
*Used a Jeep loaned by a friend -- the truck got me to Elections until it got stuck...and broke down. (sigh) So grateful for this friend's willingness to do this. (See Misses for more on this.)
*Used up a bunch of 'good stuff' from the freezer, including steak, shrimp, peaches, etc. I have a bad habit of letting the luxuries get freezer burn, while I'm focusing on saving beans, bread, etc. Trying hard not to stuff the freezer so full -- I can't find anything when I do!
*Found money: a quarter in the Costilla County parking lot, a penny in the grocery store change machine, 2 pennies in the laundry room and 49 cents left by one of our hunters. (He said it was my 'tip.' Booger.) Another hunter left us $50, hidden on the cushion of 'his' chair. Thank you!
*Elk steak and burger from friends. Jars of apricot jam and a loaf of zucchini bread from another friend. Thank you!
*Watched a bunch of Extreme Cheapskates episodes on Youtube. (The Brick is afraid I'm 'getting ideas.' Well, sort of.)
This guy is A-MAZ-ING...and a little creepy.
*More Ebay purchases, including Christmas presents, some fabric and silk thread. (The latter is invaluable for restoration.) I also bought a huge roll of cotton batting from Joann's. (All of these were on sale or discounted -- the batting was 50% off.) Books and DVDs from my favorite seller, Second Sale -- buy 3, get 1 off, with free shipping.
*Some lunch and snacks from Eleections - it served for supper when I got home late that night. Made banana cake, using a banana from there, plus extras.
*Found a Colorado history book for my research shelf -- plus an early Colorado recipes book (Best Offer), for discounted shipping. (Found the same history book on Amazon for less... shame on me! That copy went to a fellow Western history-lover.)
*The usual potluck at church (yum). I managed to expand leftover chili from that event into another meal, as well. Served friends who came over 'surf and turf' (see above) -- they brought blueberry cobbler, japaleno cheese bread and a salad.
*Free evening at Cherokee Castle (courtesy of Lord & Richards). A very nice meal in a beautifully-decorated hall, plus a tour of their painting collection. A string quintet charmed us, not with classical music, but rock standards from the Beatles, Pink Floyd and Aerosmith.
Some friends kindly put us up for the night, the lovely people. Took them out for breakfast next morning, as a thank you.
Thrift shop buys: dozens of videos, books, music books and CDs -- all for half price! Also: four pairs of nice pants ($7 each), Christmas garland ($4) and a small decorated tree ($6), wrapping paper ($1 each)...and other Christmas goodies, from $2-4 each. An additional 10% off for being a senior. (Treasures in the Park/Castle Rock). And 5 free packages of rolls and bread!
*Lunch at Calvillo's -- finally! Every time we get a little extra $, we'll say, "That's a fifth of lunch toard Calvillo's..." I know-- it's silly. But it's a nice part-time goal.
*A box of books arrived a blogger friend at One Hundred Dollars A Month, for the Little Free Library. Thank you, Mavis! The LFL is almost ready to set up; paint is needed for the roof, and a clasp attached -- then it can be put up on a post.
*Got the Elections check - which was very welcome. Most of it immediately went into a large payment on the house loan.
*Thank you notes with gift cards -- to both the Costilla County Clerk and my immediate boss, the Elections Director.
*More appraisal work. Navajo rugs were very big this month, for some odd reason. I also 'did' some other reports. December should be more peaceful -- I don't intend to pick up any extra.
Grocery buys: Canned kidney beans (36 cents -- a steal), Kona coffee (about $9 a pound), Dinty Moore beef stew (less than $2/can), strawberry candy straws (24 cents/oz), Amazon regular and Warehouse Deals. Dried cranberries (99 cents), pecans (for the Thanksgiving pie --$3.29) and turkey sausage links ($1.00/pound), Australian black licorice (yuck -- but the Brick loves it -- 99 cents), SLV Amish Grocery. Butterball turkey (74 cents/lb), sweet potatoes (88 cents/lb), ham ($1.29/lb), asparagus (97 cents/lb), Safeway. Butter ($2.99), butterflied shrimp ($7.99/2 lb), City Market (King Soopers).
Very few buys in milk and butter -- and there were signs at City Market that warned of an upcoming shortage in eggs. Prices reflected that, too. I bought extra, to make sure I had enough for holiday baking. You should, too!
*Used the McDonald's $5 special several times. This is one of the best buys out there: 4 chicken nuggets (usually Ruby's bailiick), a double burger, small fries and a Coke. McDonald's plans on extending it into next year. (You'll need the app to access it.)
*Pinon nuts -- but just a handful. Pinon trees are on our property, but I found out too late to do much about it. (These came from one of the hunters.)
*An Amazon order that went kerfluooey. (They eventually credited me, but it took a while.)
*Gave away 4 books to fellow Election judges...plus a 5th one (Dead Men Do Tell Tales). Two judges were especially kind, suggesting someone who could pull the truck out.
*The truck got stuck up in the mountains. The Republican judges had a 'guy' to call. And he pulled it out for no charge! The Brick said it was very difficult...yet they got it out safely. A very kind man.
*More truck repairs -- including fixing the four-wheel drive and a coolant leak. (sigh)
*Fed the hunters multiple meals -- they left a few groceries as a thank you.
*Bought a table and chairs - $175 on Marketplace. Couldn't pick them up in time -- so got the money refunded.
*A blizzard shut down several travel plans. It is what it is. As one friend said, "Maybe God doesn't want you to take this trip right now?" Apparently not.
*No Veteran's Day freebies. No restaurants close by, and we didn't feel like trudging to Alamosa.
*Repeated trips to/from the Elections office, hunting, etc. We really piled the gas mileage on this month and last, and had a Jeep on loan from a friend part of the time. (They'll get paid back...so grateful for their kindness.)
*Covered breakfast, lunch and supper for various friends, as a thank you for putting us up. (Or putting up _ith us, as I accidently stated.)
*I was a bad kitty, and bought characters from an Italian Nativity scene. (To my credit, that total was $61 and change, including shipping, for 57 characters. Far less than the usual price for these.)
A satisfying Thanksgiving in the company of our kids, time spent enjoying friendships, helping out musically -- and taking the truck to the repair shop. It should be more of the same, cleaning up jobs and Taking Care of Business. It's nice to have the holidays on our doorstep -- but I need to get these tasks finished off before I can really enjoy the season.
A storm's coming in. Fortunately it doesn't look too bad here -- because we've got a truck to take to the repair shop. After parting with a good many dollars, it should be on the road again. (Thank God.)
I have pies to bake -- pumpkin, pecan and some Dutch Envelopes. (Recipe's coming.) We did a smart thing by inviting friends over on Sunday, which forced us to tidy up and finish several small jobs. Not only does it look better -- but the wood rack's filled!
More work to do, but gradually we're doing it. Hopefully you are, too.
This one's just as strange -- a woman caught on video during an anti-Israel protest, taunting bystanders and giving a Nazi-style salute, has been unmasked as the OWNER of two kosher cafes in a Jewish hospital in Montreal! Needless to say, she is no longer serving in that capacity...
If your dog does this... you'll understand. Our granddog Karma would not be satisfied until she ripped out the squeaker from her toys. Every. Single. One.
Ruby waits a little -- but the squeaker is Always Doomed in the end.
Another week in the hopper. Work for both of us -- plus a quick trip to Castle Rock to see friends.
Nothing exciting... but some reports are done, and the garage door is working. (But the truck is not.) Life goes on. And another storm, plus wind, is on its way.
We're all wrong -- Oprah didn't get a million-dollar fee to host Kamala Harris's singalong. Nope --her production company didn't, either. They got nearly $2.5 million, instead.
"I admit I was wrong:" Allan Lichtman's stunning admission on why he missed predicting Trump would win. (I'm being sarcastic here, Gentle Readers Know why he was wrong? "Fox News and conservative media." Oh, and X, too..)
Colorado's Buffaloes are doing an amazing job -- at 49-24, they beat the pop out of Utah, whose defense is considered the best in the country. (Well, not anymore.) So in celebration, a look at their mascot, Ralphie.